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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. Being sponsored by Intermat, support this ad. What's the union pay and who is our enforcer?
  2. You answered your own question... if they form a MWC conference they will stay with those teams. Little Rock? By the way @Thumper @NearFall @bronco Bakersfield still has a program despite your call for them to drop the program.
  3. It further states "TO MAKE PAYMENT PLAN" "Oh I don't need a plan, I have recently come into some cash." Gotcha
  4. Was he in a DeLorean going back to 2023? Or am I misreading this?
  5. https://pac-12.com/article/2024/03/06/pac-12-announces-2024-wrestling-championship-bracket
  6. Yeah but Ferrari had a double salute.
  7. They are .... I would rather see White pony up for struggling D1 programs like Bakersfield or any program that has to self fund. https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/11223805-high-school-wrestling-participation-tops-300k-for-first-time-in-45-years
  8. He could be a guy that would help... I would just make one suggestion...
  9. Plus he was involved in that Split decision at Soldier Salute.
  10. Anthony was heading back in his new car.
  11. 14 seed faces the 3rd seed in round 1..... theoretically the 3rd seed gets bounced to the consolation in the semis. Obviously sometimes there is little difference between 2/3 and the 3 could possibly make the finals. But if you cant' beat the guy who was fighting for a starting spot to begin with, I am not confident there is a good argument that he would have beat #6 and #2 as well. On the flip side, if your guy is that good to knock off #3 first round, why was there even discussion of not putting him in the tournament when he could have gotten a high seed? If you go the conspiracy route of , I will hold out my #1 PSU guy and put him in late so he can face Iowa's #3 seed first round and knock him out early getting more team points, I could see that being a detriment. I dont' see Cael ever doing that. Tom....? However, we play this seeding game all season with ducking opponents. At the end of the day, if you sub your backup in , they deserve #14. There has to be a cut-off, and as others have mentioned, Brands has done this two years in a row. He's either real dum or really, really dumb.
  12. I am in the 1988 ASICS poster 1988_ASICS_AA.html
  13. You can have that one, I don't need it.
  14. 1. Football and basketball drop from the NCAA and form their own leagues 2. Because they are a union and now have their own leagues, they use their own money to lease back the stadiums and arenas from the schools, who also receive a percentage of revenue as well as part of the agreement. 3. Lease and revenue money goes to the school sponsored sports. 4. Boosters connected to the school now use NIL money to support actual school sports rather than a semi-pro minor league football and basketball program no longer affiliated with the school. 5. Football and basketball leagues go bankrupt leaving greedy kids with no place to go. 6. Well what do you know, here comes the union and the athletes wanting to be part of the school and NCAA again because without it they can't get paid. It's all part of my plan.
  15. Idaho


    I prefer cheesy fries.
  16. Idaho


    Ahhh... noted. On a side note since I have. you here, Idaho kid who I have known for quite a while is heading to Wisconsin. Hope he does well there.
  17. "Should Anthony Live with Tom Brands to ensure he wins 4 national titles?"
  18. Because he was substituted into the tourney for Schriever after rosters were submitted which means he went to the last seed. I believe that is two years in a row Brands has done this.
  19. Idaho


    Not one snap... which is interesting since he could have played in several games and kept his redshirt.
  20. Man it seems like just two months ago he was going to be starting at 149 for Iowa and was going to be an AA...... Get him in that room for two months and he will be on the podium they said.
  21. That’s what I’m seeing… and don’t call me Shirley.
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