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Everything posted by Nailbender

  1. He said both. Once again my words stand on their own and so do yours. When will you learn?
  2. I NEVER posted the video. You did. These are the other two links I already provided. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/02/28/biden-advises-shooting-shotgun-through-door https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/more-advice-from-joe-biden-just-fire-the-shotgun-through-the-door
  3. I'd post the other two but people will see you for what you are. I won't hold my breath for the apology or anything smarter to ever leave your keyboard.
  4. You have got to be trolling at this point. No one can be this dense.
  5. I have felt most of your responses were rational and well thought out. My problems with anything you have said has more to do with the idea that I see this problem as much more complicated than just guns. Some people here are simple. You're not one of them. ETA Not that you're seeking my approval
  6. It will be very cool to see this data with the actual results. Thanks to both of you.
  7. I answered your question. Then I linked to my answer. I posted a quote. Then I posted links backing it up. Now with a simple Google search I have a link to the original interview with Biden that @El LuchadorLuchador already posted. Field and Stream interview Conversations shouldn't be this hard. I still haven't got an answer from you. I don't even care now. Your opinion is no longer important to me. Take care.
  8. No. Again, I provided 3 links including a fact check. How do either of you two expect me to take anything you say seriously, if this simple thing is this hard for you? It's easily Googleable, if you don't like my links. This is not rocket surgery.
  9. Your video is a completely different stupid conversation of Biden's. I provided not one, not two but three links showing the quote I provided as absolutely accurate. Including a fact check. You can show yourself out.
  10. I appreciate your ability to be precise with language. The first can be true, with the latter still being false but you do you.
  11. Seems about right. I have read here for over 2 years before joining. This place could often be an echo chamber. Doesn't surprise me you of all people are proud enough to announce you prefer it that way but aren't strong enough to just ignore others thoughts on your own.
  12. scourge165 just loves to hear themselves talk. I've learned my lesson. I'm not engaging with that any further. There is literally so much content, I'd waste my day and solve nothing. It's not that they couldn't find Biden's quote, it's that they didn't want to find it. Then to put the icing on top, preach about lies and alternative facts. There is a lot more misinformation in some of their other posts but I refuse to waste my time engaging with someone so lazy or purposefully deceptive. It did give me a chance to comment on Biden's quote, since I chose not too originally because unlike some, I at least try for concise posts. That quote is very representative of so many of the fallacies that have been uttered here and everywhere by people who have no idea what they are talking about. A shotgun is not always a better weapon to defend yourself. In fact it usually isn't. Especially if you are unfamiliar with firearms or smaller in stature. Firing without knowing your target and what is behind it, is never a good idea. In some cases, that practice will put you behind bars. A person would have to try to give worse advice. All this from the leader of the free world and also one of the leading minds who want input on my choices when it comes to firearms. That one quote, pretty much sums up this whole thread.
  13. Some of the actual stupidity in these posts actually hurts my feelings. Your long winded responses that have very little thought put into them if not so scary, would be funny. I reacted to your first one that way and then couldn't believe it got worse from there. I've learned my lesson with you and shouldn't respond. I'll try and leave the rest of your ignorance for someone else to clean up. Washington examiner US News and World Report Snopes for goodness sakes ETA Joe Biden is an idiot and he must be your king. Shooting blindly through a door is some of the worst advice I've ever seen. It's a good way to change self defense into murder. Maybe even the murder of someone you love.
  14. I already did. Better than even you could do.
  15. If you ever do figure out the particulars of how your rifle ban will stop gun violence or even significantly impact it, I'm all ears. I'll save you some trouble, the answer isn't in the dictionary.
  16. This explains a lot. You need less trust in politicians. These are some quotes from our legislators. Most of them are on video if you care about the authenticity. Some of them designed and supported the now retired law you're speaking of and will no doubt continue to spout this same ridiculousness if another bill is introduced and they are still around. I answered your question. When will you answer mine? "Well, you know, my shotgun will do better for you than your AR-15, because you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door." - Joe Biden " Some of these bullets, as you saw, have an incendiary device on the tip of it, which is a heat seeking device. So, you don't shoot deer with a bullet that size. If you do you could cook it at the same time." - Patricia Eddington "This is a ghost gun. This right here has the ability with a .30-caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second. Thirty magazine clip in half a second." - Kevin de Leon "The Second Amendment only protects the people who want all the guns they can have. The rest of us, we've got no Second Amendment. What are we supposed to do?" - Louise Slaughter "What's the efficacy of banning these magazine clips? I will tell you... these are ammunition, they're bullets. So the people who have those now, they're going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won't be any more available." - Diana DeGette "Well, if it can fire a lot of bullets very quickly, that's a good definition... And then you can argue what a lot is, okay, let's say three. If you haven't hit the deer with three shots, you're a pretty lousy shot, that deer deserves to get away." - Michael Bloomberg When asked, what is a barrel shroud? "...it's a shoulder thing that goes up." - Carolyn McCarthy "We have federal regulations and state laws that prohibit hunting ducks with more than three rounds. And yet it's legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines." - Dianne Feinstein "...it is easier for a 12- or 13-year-old to purchase a gun, and cheaper, than it is for them to get a book." - Barack Obama
  17. He's a great actor. I don't have anything against him, he just didn't seem to fit the theme. Made me laugh though, so it was worth it. Way to keep it relatable!
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