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Everything posted by Nailbender

  1. You should have it. All of it. If only you were actually interested in watching any of it... You'd rather base your opinion of what happened on how many glorified trespassing convictions are handed out and descriptions from our fearless leaders.
  2. I quit arguing the point because I realized I didn't want to go to bat for every nation that has or has not been allowed to participate. I got caught up in a conversation I didn't want to be in, just because I felt @GreatWhiteNorth's reasoning was a little too black and white. Which also should be (and is) just fine by me. See what I did there?
  3. There is a long history that is a little more complicated than Russia just "absorbing another country". The spirit of the Olympics can't have any bearing on this conversation, unless that spirit is applied equally to the actions of all participating. Can I ask your view on the benefit of prohibiting Russia's participation? Does it benefit anyone? Or just punish...the athletes?
  4. Have you ever seen the statistics on innocents killed by US drone strikes? I don't like what Putin is doing. I also want my country to do whatever it needs too that is in my best interest. Trying to vilify some behavior without regard for other behavior is gonna be a tough case to make.
  5. They are all fools and so are we for electing the same trash over and over again.
  6. I figured the way you're constantly typing with one hand and masturbating over Donald Trump and Elon Musk with the other, you'd be into it. If you don't want them, forward them to the disappointed woman in your life.
  7. McCarthy is stopping me from seeing the rest of the footage? If so, shame on him. I don't trust one party anymore than the other.
  8. I'm not rich but I do sometimes wonder why I choose to read @Mike Parrish's bullshit daily. We could all make better decisions. It happens.
  9. That's rich. Propaganda is the government telling you what happened instead of allowing you to just see it for yourself. Accepting their excuses for why you shouldn't be able to see it is gullible. There are hours and hours of this footage. Let's see it all.
  10. I didn't think I could like that kind of wrassling less. Thanks, you helped me with that.
  11. I don't correct them either. It's pointless and more my problem than theirs. I agree with the second part too. I have zero interest in "professional" wrestling. Oddly enough my wife's grandmother loved it. She was like 90 and never missed it.
  12. There was a father on my son's wresrling team that would yell incorrect advise...louder than anyone else could possibly yell. Mostly only for his own son but not always. My wife and I would choose our seating as to not be anywhere near him. It became a running joke for my wife and me. That kid is now on the Trap team I'm coaching. I can't believe he'll have the nerve to try it there (a trap field is more like watching golf) but if he does, I'll be putting a stop to that real quick.
  13. I hear you. Counter wrestling is absolutely a thing. I just wouldn't use it to describe a highly offensive wrestler.
  14. I heard someone is going to pull the mask off @JimmyCinnabon@Jimmy Cinnabonor whatever their name is, during the finals.
  15. Surely you aren't surprised? The post also praises any team member who transferred, as if they don't really count as Iowa wrestlers. Eierman practically handed one leg to every opponent so he could counter. How is that "offensive"? Just more tired anti-Iowa tripe disguised as imaginary wrestling analysis. Grabbing an ankle is no more stalling than a sprawl. You're trying to stop the other guy from scoring and sometimes you can turn that into a score of your own. Other times, you get a stalemate. This whole conversation is dumb. By definition a stalemate is BOTH guys holding on and not improving. It doesn't matter who started it. If one guy isn't shooting, he should be hit for stalling.
  16. Kyle Burwickk, now just here me out...this explanation is going to take about 30 pages.
  17. Previous years they get all the injuries, now they get all the mff's. Kinda greedy.
  18. I was more just hoping we didn't have to read any more pages about Burwickk but thanks.
  19. So is that thread closed then? There was still so much to say!
  20. Looks like PSU will be getting it done with 9?
  21. Not speaking about you but your post rang true. I honestly hope Nebraska is starting their own tradition right now. More at the top is good for us all. Then fans can lighten up on the ridiculous, obvious, jealous shit posting. They won't...but they could!
  22. She pronounced today "Nailbender" day. She ain't even mad.
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