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Everything posted by skandar

  1. Lol go grab your buddy’s shoulder cap just like that and keep your arm straight like the picture. That’s literally not a chokehold. It doesn’t restrict any oxygen or blood. Are you new to wrestling? This isn’t anything new. People have been doing this for decades.
  2. lol I get it. You two have a vendetta. He beat your boy. Sorry he did it legally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. He’s literally grabbing the kids shoulder cap and his elbow is straight across. No pressure on the throat at all. There’s nothing dirty about this. None of your pictures show anything illegal.
  4. This isn’t high school. You’re allowed to go across the neck. Please reference the East Lansing Strangler
  5. Must not be very good at it. None of his opponents have passed out or complained about it
  6. McKee is so dumb. Every Bentresca point was a gift from McKee.
  7. 197, oddly enough, was the only weight with 0 first round upsets
  8. Central Oklahoma is relying on AA’s that are 24(141), 24(184), 24(197), 25(149), 25(165), 26 in 4 days (285), and 27(133) lolololol
  9. Starocci’s laaame. Dancing when you’re beating a non top 10 guy by 12 seconds of riding time while your team is losing? Lol ok dude
  10. I can’t believe people are still defending Bono/Wisconsin in this. “I cannot believe Bono really cares whether Burwick is in Nebraska's line up” ”They might do so in the interest of their own integrity” You’re failing to take into account that in addition to Bono being the biggest narcissist & most petty coach in the country, he also has the least integrity.
  11. Everyone knows Bono is petty and vindictive. This is why you don’t go to a school with a coach like that. Also, educate yourself on rules.
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