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Everything posted by skandar

  1. Past accomplishments is no longer a hodge criteria so that should eliminate Yianni.
  2. This is the rules expert right? He’s an idiot. It was embarrassing trying to listen to him explain how Alirez shouldn’t have gotten a 4 count.
  3. You’re dumb. No one said anything about skillset or sacrificing any world titles. Just that he would’ve won some college matches by less points in 2011. Also…Gable Steveson achieved a higher level of wrestling than anyone in the modern era, but that’s a whole different argument and has nothing to do with being a 4 timer or this post.
  4. Who cares? That’s purely subjective and wasn’t the point of this post. This isn’t about who had the most impressive single season or whose peak was the highest. Guarantee Jordan would trade part of 2011 dominance for 2 more titles though; assuming everything else stayed the same. Cornell has two wrestlers that are more accomplished at the college level than anyone in the history of PSU or Iowa. That’s a fact.
  5. It’s a good rule. People forget how frequent lung timeouts used to be.
  6. Lolololol at Socratese. What’s your point? You’re creating arguments against points that weren’t even being argued. Nolf was more “dominant”? So what? Yianni is already more accomplished at the senior level than Nolf. DT was more dominant than Dake? So what? He choked with the lights on as a redshirt freshman then lost to the younger Dake(who won as a true freshman). Don’t you think DT would trade some of his “dominant” college wins for two more titles? What point are you trying to make? Cornell has two 4 timers. PSU and Iowa have zero. That’s not arguable. Everyone knows it takes a little luck and staying healthy to do it. That’s not breaking news. It is weird that Doublehalf claims Mike Grey has a 4 timer when Yianni had multiple titles before Grey ever took over though. All of Cornell’s AAs were Koll recruits actually.
  7. Is this a joke? You know what’s led to more wars than anything else in the history of humanity…?
  8. 2 AAs, neither being too 4, for that program is not good. Keeping guys motivated, on the team, and keeping recruits is all part of the coaches job. They just got beat by South Dakota State by a coach that wanted the MN job.
  9. 2 AAs, neither being too 4, for that program is not good. Keeping guys motivated, on the team, and keeping recruits is all part of the coaches job. They just got beat by South Dakota State by a coach that wanted the MN job.
  10. Yeah you lied multiple times about this. There was no replay that showed Haines stayed off his shoulders. You also lied about him posting on his elbow the whole time. Here’s some screenshots proving you’re full of shit and the ref wasn’t even in position to see both shoulders.
  11. lol at Eggum choosing McKee over Ramos.
  12. Time for John Smith to retire. Eggum should be gone at MN.
  13. They really need to redo the seeding formula…. Only 85% of top 4 seeds made the semis!
  14. The ref called a damn touch fall for Haines, but everyone else is “PSU haters” lmfao. We had a perfect view of Ando’s shoulders. Haines touched both shoulders for just as long as Ando did.
  15. Lmfaoooo at the ref calling an immediate pin for Haines
  16. The guy on his back has a PSU singlet on.
  17. “He’s panicking, he’s panicking, he’s panicking, he’s panicking” lol
  18. Bell is grimacing and trying to pull the arm off as if he can’t breathe
  19. Lol seems like he’s in good company with his dirty move
  20. Lol no. Going across the throat doesn’t get called potentially dangerous in college wrestling. It’s illegal or it’s not. If it’s not then nothing gets called in this scenario. This also isn’t a claw ride. Maybe you should Google that. You’re clearly out of your element.
  21. Yes you moron. The shoulder cap is not in line with the throat.
  22. Then why would OP go to the refs? It’s not illegal but it’s “dirty” ooook lmao. This is D1 wrestling.
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