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Everything posted by Gus

  1. Heard there was illness going through the team. Not sure if that was a part of it or not.
  2. You think Kharchala should go down a weight????? That’s something I never thought I would hear.
  3. Warner is on a short list of guys that have all the tools but chose to wrestler so conservatively it’s like watching paint dry. If Warner is the president, Will Lewan is chairman of the board.
  4. I’m not sure he qualifies for NCAA’s at this point. Getting majored by Jordan Titus does not bode well for him.
  5. But…. After the hands to the face at 165 it would have evened things up at least
  6. Mizzou vs Oklahoma 125 Prata dec Surtin 3-0 133 Brown dec Henson 3-3 141 Hart dec Schwartz 6-3 149 Mauller dec Wiley 9-3 157 Jacques dec Butler 12-3 165 O'Toole mdec Nijenhuis mdec 16-3 174 Mocco mdec Picklo dec 20-3 184 Moore dec Hawks dec 20-6 197 Elam tf Seago 25-6 285 Elam dec Heindselman 28-6 Mizzou vs Oklahoma St 25 Surtin dec Witcraft 3-0 133 Fix mdec Brown 4-3 141 Young dec Hart 7-3 149 Mauller dec Voinovich 7-6 157 Jacques dec Gfeller 9-7 165 O'Toole dec Sheets 12-7 174 Mocco dec Plott 15-7 184 Wittlake dec Hawks 15-10 197 Elam dec Suber 18-10 285 Elam pin Doucet 24-10
  7. I'm sure burnout was real for McCauley. He was traveling for national wrestling tournaments regularly and practicing year round from the time he was 6-7 years old.
  8. Destin McCauley was a SD youth wrestler that moved to Apple Valley, MN for middle and high school. He was at Nebraska for a brief stint before settling in at Nebraska Kearney (D2). Ended up being a 2x finalist and 1 time champ.
  9. I would not be surprised to see Assad lose but March Jacob Warner is tough to beat. I would be very surprised to see Allred beat Warner come tournament time.
  10. I disagree that he does not like Wisconsin in general
  11. Pinto has very strong hips and good anticipation in those positions. When he fine tunes the more orthodox wrestling positions he is going to be a hammer.
  12. If you think @flyingcement is off his rocker for picking Mendez just buckle up for the Big Ten tourney when my guy @jajensen09 picks Burwick to take out RBY!
  13. I disagree. He did not like Barry Davis because Barry did not believe in Askren's ability to compete at the next level. I think that he doesn't like Bono because he shady and does not have the athletes best interest in mind a lot of the time. Say what you want about Askren but he puts a huge emphasis on believing in kids and making they truly enjoy competing.
  14. There is certainly no lack of action in SDSU matches. You can tell that Hahn teaches them to be offensive and score.
  15. In the dual against Air Force on Sunday, South Dakota State had 3 or 4 guys hook up bow and arrows.
  16. This would be the equivalent of the same wrestler getting into his third first fight of the season.
  17. By doing whatever he did for go up 10-1 on Seth Gross and not doing whatever he did to get beat 11-10
  18. Millard and Riddle are around 15-20 at their weight class nationally. Messenbrink was the #1 ranked guy at 152 in a weight class that included Cody Chittum, Caleb Henson, Hunter Garvin, Meyer Shapiro, Daniel Cardenas, etc... Not quite the same level recruits. You do whatever you can to get Messenbrink IMO.
  19. Yes, winning it is the best case for everyone (smart a**). With these two individuals it is well within the realm of possibility for them to win a title. Woods has wrestled great all year and is a top title contender with Alirez. Warner is a returning finalist who was in OT last year in the finals. He has not looked great this year but he did not look great last year and made the finals. He wrestles better in March. I would not pick Warner to win a title, but I would not have picked him 2nd last year or 4th in 2021 either. That all being said, Murin projected as 3rd seems like a stretch. I would love to be wrong though and hope he gets over the R12 hump.
  20. Who exactly is LJB for us that were not around for long on the old board?
  21. Orndorff did AA for tOSU in 2021 and was R12 last year with a brutal draw losing to Kerk and Parris.
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