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Everything posted by NM1965

  1. Man, I wrote a huge anecdote about a gorilla from my old HS team having to run 500 miles as punishment for a DUI. Anyway when I tried to submit I saw the forum was non working and poof, there went my humorous, extremely witty, and sexy anecdote.
  2. I'm sure Best, an Oklahoman, must seem superhuman by Texas wrestling standards The guy obviously can coach. Wow, Jerry Best. Never heard of the guy until this forum. Too cool.
  3. No way. So that means he also coached Bo Nickal, right?
  4. I've never failed to not be impressed by FLO. A shady company with shady business practices whose content is "meh".
  5. He makes it look easy. Gable has that lazy talent that shows up whenever he steps on the mat. He'd have driven at least one of my coaches insane.
  6. If you watch the old game footage from when Brown played for Cleveland you'll note that Jim Brown was the same size as the defensive linemen of the era. Brown straight up ran over linebackers and outran the secondary guys. Jim Brown was a man among boys, and that was in the NFL.
  7. If you believe that stuff I have a bridge that I'd love to sell you. Those stories about Wilt are about as legit as Dan Gable supposedly tossing around the Banach brothers in practice!
  8. What a bonehead decision, or at least it seems to be. Charlie would've been a for sure #1 draft pick and I can't help he'd have made a lot more money off football. But then again his career in the NBA was long. Maybe he made more in the NBA than he would've made in a relatively short NFL career. He was a little guy and would've definitely gotten hammered in the NFL.
  9. It sounds like he had a great wrestling career.
  10. Yeah they were. Plus Gotch had a reputation of not merely being a great technical wrestler, he also had a reputation for being a dirty and mean wrestler!! No wonder Gable and Brands love him so much, hehe.
  11. I believe you. Maybe Chandler did have a team back in my day but they were so rotten that none of their kids made it to state.
  12. Well I'll be. The Tulsa World lied to me! I was an Okie soph in HS at the time and I remember getting yoked over that match. The Tulsa World said neither had lost a match in HS! I remember when they had their dual meet that Kenny had a HS record of 127-0, or something ridiculous like that. I wonder who the guys were that beat Sheets in HS?
  13. Chandler. I didn't even know Chandler had a wrestling team Maybe they didn't back in my day.
  14. Meh, I usually just click "Bob Dole" if I agree with a post or think it's content is interesting. Bananas are for other primates.
  15. It's crazy to think that at one time Pro wrestling was actually professional wrestlers, not actors pretending to be wrestlers. And the matches could literally go on for hours. I can't imagine it would be very exciting to watch a 2 hour wrestling match. Gotch or Hackenschmidt would've turned Dan Gable into a greasy spot on the canvas
  16. Yeah, but Sheets never lost to Monday in HS. They had only 1 match in HS, a highly publicized draw during a dual between Tulsa Washington and Tahlequah.
  17. I've never even heard of Jerry Best, was he back in the 1960s or earlier? Gfeller never improved at OSU, in fact I think he regressed over his time there. A shame, I thought he should've been a multiple AA. The other guys did pretty well for themselves, although Fix never improved either. I wonder how Gfeller and Fix would've done if they'd have wrestled for Cael?
  18. I wasn't aware that Fix was an undefeated 4 timer in Oklahoma, but the other 4 time undefeated Okie champs I know about were pretty good in college (Kenny Monday, Mike Sheets). I got to roll with Kenny one time, that guy was ridiculously fast (and strong for his size).
  19. Kerk is a lot better wrestler now than when Cass was beating him, for sure. The question I have is would Cass have improved more in the PSU room? Of that I have little doubt the answer is "yes". I'm wondering if the big boy Iowa has waiting in the wings at HWT will be the stud everybody is predicting, or if he'll disappoint. Sorry, can't remember his name but I think he won a Cadet world title or something while in HS.
  20. You are definitely right on that. Most fatties are content to lock up and push. There's a reason they are referred to as "dancing bears" by lots of fans. I have only seen a couple guys move from HWT to a lighter weight (Zabriskie, Cass), and neither came close to matching their previous success. That's because HWT technique sucks balls and when those guys dropped to a lighter, healthier weight they had to compete against guys who actually knew how to wrestle. I've always maintained that a good 190 pounder will beat a good HWT, and that's historically proven to be the case since the days of unlimited HWT ended. Yeah, a 195 pound HWT had a thin chance of beating somebody like Tab Thacker at 400 pounds, but a 285 pounder is within striking range. Tony Cassar, a guy who couldn't even start at 197 pounds at PSU, moved up to HWT and beat Gable Steveson, widely acclaimed as a great college HWT, twice. And neither match was a nailbiter, either. Kyle Snyder was a 197 pounder and won 3 NCAA titles at HWT, usually teching the fat boys he wrestled. I myself had a 13-1 record against HWTs when I was a 190 pounder back in the Bronze Age and I was certainly no Cassar or Snyder. I was just faster, smarter, and a better wrestler than my HWT opponents were. Savvy counts! HWTS suck at wrestling, is what I'm saying. The ironic thing is they also tend to be the coolest guys on the team, at least in my experience!
  21. That's superb news. I always thought a guy should win at least a 1/2 scholly even if he just makes the team as a walkon. My bad on the 9.0, as I was writing that I was thinking "wait, is it 9.0 or 9.9?". All starters, obviously, should get a full scholly. I could understand roster limits to keep schools from trying to hoard as many wrestlers as possible. Remember the 1970s when some football teams had well over a hundred guys on the team? That's because they were trying to hoard as many guys as possible. There were maybe a half dozen teams with a realistic chance to win the national title back in those days!
  22. How is it possible for a guy to get worse as he gets fitter? The more fit you are the better your cardio, strength, and agility. Nobody wrestles better when they are fat (although I had a pretty good record at HWT ).
  23. I remember when the Olympics allowed professionals from the USSR and Soviet bloc to compete and westerners were held to strict amateur standards. The Soviet hockey team never did anything but play hockey. Their wrestlers never did anything but wrestle, and so on. But the Russians have always been cheaters. Allowing American "professional" athletes to compete just levels the playing ground. Regarding paying athletes, I'm fine with it. They bring revenue to the school, after all, and the schools have been using athletes as "slave labor" since forever, offering them only scholarships which cost the school literally nothing while profiting handsomely off the athletes. Let's face the facts, 99% of kids coming out of HS aren't worth paying to wrestle anyway, and won't be paid anything beyond a full scholarship. I'm just wondering if the ridiculous 9.0 scholarship limitation is going to be lifted now, that's long gnawed at my soul.
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