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Everything posted by NM1965

  1. I don't watch TV and unlike Fox viewers I have enough wits to smell a rat and check shit out for myself.
  2. Duke is out now, but Alabama is still alive.
  3. As soon as Biden turns traitor and tries to overthrow an election illegally then maybe you'll have a different perspective. LOL that a criminal being prosecuted for his crimes is a "political hit job". Real law and order type, aren't you?
  4. Yeah, that's pretty much it, Hammerlock. I think Gable at his best was the best college HWT I've seen. By that criteria I suppose a guy could qualify as the greatest with just 1 title. I realize most of these guys are going by how many NCAA titles and AA finishes guys have, which is understandable.
  5. I can't stand Ferrari, but I think he'd easily make AA at HWT. He's probably stronger than most of the HWTs, too.
  6. I miss Norm. Funniest guy alive for a few years.
  7. I think Snyder would lose to Cael and beat Hartung and Hahn.
  8. One of the guys came running over to me and said "Well, Trump has been convicted". I checked Yahoo news and saw the story, hot off the presses. The story was something like 5 minutes old. Hilariously there were already 40,000 comments in the comment section in about 5 minutes!
  9. I don't think so. I think she did win some high faluting award of some kind or other. You'd have to ask one of her groupies.
  10. Wrong. The Justice Department DID find it actionable, but declined to take action. BIDEN ordered them not to. And now treason media and Trump are saying Biden directly ordered a NY DC, over whom Biden has no authority whatsoever, to indict Trump.
  11. The SOB would probably run off with all my turf and sell it to dumbasses on "Truth Social".
  12. Nobody else seems to have a problem with me putting Gable first. In fact, most here seem to agree with me. Also, your complaint is illogical. Would it MATTER if Gable never wrestled another college match? What heavies do you think would beat him? I don't think your opinion is stupid, but I do disagree with you.
  13. LOL, and you reiterate what a Trumpanzee you really are Seriously, are you guys capable of thinking for yourselves, or do you rely on Fox and Newsmax to tell you what to think? Don't bother answering, I already know the answer. Alright, just going to engage with you on wrestling topics starting NOW. Just couldn't resist after that incredibly dumb response you made.
  14. Uh huh, that's why you are defending the traitor/conman like a true cultist. You are a liar just like your Lord and Master Trump. I don't blame you for denying being a cultist, I'd be ashamed to admit supporting a traitor/conman as well. I'm done engaging with you on anything but wrestling.
  15. Art, look at my avatar. That's the Army Signal Corps symbol. When I served my country (and we both know Trump despises veterans and soldiers, we're "losers") I took a vow to protect and defend the Constitution against ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Donald Trump took the same vow when he took office. That didn't stop him from later saying the Constitution should be scrapped, and why? Because he lost the election and had to leave office. Unlike Trump, I take my vow seriously, and it's a vow for life. But yeah, I've hated that conman for about 40 years now. I hated him when he claimed to be a Democrat, so my motives are pure.
  16. LOL, like all Trumpanzees you have no idea what communism is. You are probably one of those Q-anon dumbasses that call Democrats "commie fascists" while having absolutely no idea what you are saying. But one thing is certain: dumbasses who watch rightwing propaganda and TV reality shows tend to gravitate towards Trump worship, like yourself. And the idea that you worship at the feet of a traitor, conman, low IQ, dementia ridden, draftdodging, diaper wearing pant's shitter says a whole lot about you that, well, isn't good.
  17. Oh. So tell me how many times has Biden tried to take away your guns? You Trumpers are apparently too stupid to realize there is this thing called a "public record". There's no record of Biden wanting to take your artificial peckers away from you. But keep on with the true believing of all the agitprop you pick up on propaganda TV, that's what Trump expects of the "poorly educated" people he claims to love.
  18. I will whine about it if the traitor doesn't get a sentence he deserves. I remember when Republicans used to claim to be the party of "law and order", not the party of Trumpanzee lickspittles who worship at the feet of a traitor/conman/rapist.
  19. Oh, which amendments do the "dems" want to overturn? You guys just can't help lying and falsely equivocating Trump's crimes, can you?
  20. I guess I kinda had him pigeonholed as small because that was in the unlimited HWT era.
  21. He was before my time. Wasn't he a small HWT, around 190 pounds or so?
  22. What sort of penalty will he receive? I bet he gets a slap on the wrist.
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