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Everything posted by NM1965

  1. Man, I don't know about putting Hutton in the top 5. Yeah, 3 time champ, 4 time finalist, but he wrestled in the "dead ball" era of wrestling, if you catch my drift. Yeah, I know it's baseball term, but I'm sure you get the drift. Wrestling back then was about as exciting as watching grass grow. Plus Dick was a relatively tiny dude at 5'10" and 235 pounds. I can't help but think he'd struggle against bigger modern heavies like Kerk, Hendrickson, and I think Chris Taylor or Jimmy Jackson might've crushed him to death.
  2. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/03/politics/trump-constitution-truth-social/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/04/us/politics/trump-constitution-republicans.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-claims-grounds-termination-us-constitution-twitter/
  3. Is that right? Is that all you Trumpers have, sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting "Nyah nyah nyah, I'm not listening"? Trump even posted it on his own propaganda site. I forget, what do they call Americans that want to terminate the Constitution? Oh yeah...traitors. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/03/politics/trump-constitution-truth-social/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/04/us/politics/trump-constitution-republicans.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-claims-grounds-termination-us-constitution-twitter/
  4. I don't think FLO offers much for the price. They hardly show any duals and tournaments on there, unlike the old days. I remember watching that classic Southern Scuffle match between David Taylor and Kyle Dake on FLO. You won't see that anymore. I suppose that's because of copyrights and network TV licensing (B10 network, for example). But in that case I think FLO should dramatically reduce it's price. Also FLO is very unethical regarding subscription issues, as can be deduced from the legal settlement they made. If you like them by all means continue using them. I don't like them though. Over the years I've probably paid over $1,000 to FLO and they've never really satisfied my expectations. I think the fact I paid the price for around a decade shows I'm willing to pay for wrestling content, and I wish what they offered was better.
  5. My bad. That was Trump's "25,000 people" Bronx rally. Wow, sure looks like 25,000 people, huh? But then again, nobody ever accused Trump of knowing how to count. It's from one of the rags that actually supports Trump, the NY Post.
  6. The Constitution that Trump has openly stated on multiple occasions should be scrapped is what grants him a trial instead of immediate prosecution.
  7. Big deal. Everybody has made up their minds already. Trump is just upset because it cuts his grifting schedule down by 2 months. He can shill more crap to his cultists after the trial.
  8. LOL....100k. Yup, look at them...sure looks like 100k, huh? But then again, nobody ever accused Trump of knowing how to count.
  9. The legal system is NOT being used to "damage a political enemy". Trump committed crimes and he's going to trial for them. I like you Art, but you have clearly been brainwashing yourself with rightwing media, which amazes me after Fox lost so many millions of bucks for lying about the 2020 election. Also since when did Hillary and Biden pay off porn stars for political gain? When has either staged an insurrection because they weren't "man enough" to admit they lost? When has either showed foreign nationals top secret classified information they stole? There is no comparison between them and you know it.
  10. That's preposterous. The Republicans crying about a "two tiered justice system" are horrified at the prospect that wealthy Republican Donald Trump will be tried for his many, many crimes. It makes them look bad by association, you know. They are bitching about a two tiered system they are trying to enforce for their own purposes, creampuff trials in front of rightwing judges (like Cannon) for their own, and hardcore trials for the rest of us. Trump should've been in jail long ago for illegally disclosing Top Secret information to foreign nationals (which he did multiple times at Mar A Lago, including on recordings). If anybody else did that they'd be in Ft Leavenworth awaiting trail. Trump consistently violated his gag order and has inspired stochastic terrorism, and never got thrown in jail or even seriously fined. If anybody is benefiting from a two tiered system, it's Donald Trump. Hypocrisy, thou art Republican. The REAL two tiered justice system is the one in which poor people are tried and sentenced for crimes that rich people routinely buy themselves out of.
  11. The Q morons don't need much to get stirred up. At least they aren't complaining about Jewish space lasers or Democrats running cannibal-pedo cults in pizza parlors anymore.
  12. Do you actually believe anything you wrote there? Do you think "the system" is coming after Trump and putting him on trial for things that are unspecified? How do you think things are done in this country? Do you think people are dragged away for trial without knowing what charges they face? That isn't a thing in the USA and if you believe it is then you are in error.
  13. My understanding is that's common in big trials. Oftentimes criminals bribe jurors or jurors are found to have lied during their jury selection process. Trump, hopefully, will be found guilty of his crimes in that case. And we're just scratching the surface.
  14. Wrestling with submissions? I love it. They need to bring it back.
  15. I'm going with the Lady Sooners. Soonerettes. Whatever they call themselves.
  16. He was enrolled at D2 school. More importantly, however, is that I forget Haselrig and he wasn't on my list of top D1 wrestlers. So...by technicality he didn't make the list!
  17. In that case neither would've ever wrestled Mocco since they both would've outgrown 285 pounds by the time they graduated HS.
  18. Not a chance. Chris Taylor or Jackson would turn Mocco into a greasy spot. I remember watching those giants and they did bad things to guys around Mocco's size!
  19. I almost put Konrad on my list. I really enjoyed the rivalry between Konrad and Mocco, both were superb heavies.
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