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Everything posted by JuanMogen

  1. I like a good dose of irony to kick off the week.
  2. Canary in the coal mine. Can’t attack the canary’s legs though, only the wings.
  3. While setting up in neutral, Methenbrink pushed his ass into Lockett no less than three times while laughing. That’ll knock you down a few pegs. Not even talking about how he teched him.
  4. Haines got teched by Lean Mean Gary Steen in freestyle a few short years ago. His style is folkstyle. This whole tipping somebody over briefly while you’re getting buried on a double leg so you get 2 and he gets 1 is horse shit. Haines knows it, Cael knows it, and the American people know it. You know who liked freestyle more than folkstyle? John du Pont. Everybody is welcome to choose who they side with.
  5. Downey still has a lot of fight left in him.
  6. If Jordan Burroughs joined the NLWC, he’d be a third stringer. All he’d see is bronze. Well, he’d see stars too as Mitch Methenbrink clubs the shit out of him. Guess he’d be seeing red again too. I stand corrected. He’d see a lot more than bronze. No gold, or even silver for that matter, but he’d see a lot of things.
  7. Folkstyle embodies the purpose of wrestling too. It isn't a rolly-poly, starfish on the ground, throw a brick during every set of points style. Something about "control".
  8. It goes like this: 1. Zahid 2. Brooks 3. Zahid with sticky fingers 4. David Morris Taylor III Unfortunately, #1 is only a mythical being.
  9. Slamming those Holy Spirit given underhooks and running Taylor to a fleeing the mat call. My man.
  10. Keep leaving Pat Downey off these lists. Show some respect.
  11. No. None at all. He's going to try a middle school style head and arm throw in the first match and get thrown for five before laying on his back and getting pinned. Zero chance this noob can medal.
  12. David Taylor about to go slap the shit out of Zahid for pulling that singlet.
  13. Her mustache could use a little work before Greece would let her on their team.
  14. Kennedy Brooks giving us a quick sermon. Thank you for filling my heart with love.
  15. I just pissed all over the floor of my bathroom, but I'm going to call it "correct piss" and count it as getting it all into the toilet.
  16. When that French guy made "Greco Roman" wrestling, I wonder how drunk he was. "Eh...let's add something called a 'slip' in case somebody messes up. That way they'll try more piss poor f*cked up throws that don't land. Should keep things interesting and certainly not stupid."
  17. Whoa whoa whoa...I know that guy didn't expose the other one, but let's give him points for a "correct throw". Its just like in football when the QB throws an interception but the ball had a good spiral on it; we just count it as a touchdown. Much like in baseball when somebody strikes out but he swung the bat on strike three. We just give him a base hit. Its kind of like at work when somebody doesn't land a sale. The boss just gives him his commission for "correct sales pitch". Who cares if he didn't do the thing he wanted? He's trying, and that's all that matters.
  18. “I got my underhooks from the Holy Spirit. Where’d Yazdani get his…some club coach?” - Aaron Brooks
  19. Could be four points red…could be 2 points blue. Who knows? Let’s take five minutes to see who dominated the other guy because it’s impossible to tell. real domination
  20. Hey! Somebody scored points. Time to throw the brick and waste everybody’s time.
  21. People acting like Brooks threw the match just aren’t giving The Almighty his due respect.
  22. Greco has an inherently dumb rule set. It is very tough to get people to watch something that they don’t understand, but it’s worse when they do understand it and go “wtf?”
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