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Everything posted by Richferg

  1. Wha, wha, wha. Have a little cheese with that whine.
  2. Close 6-5 (which would be great), or 2-1 decided by stalling point. Both looked very non aggressive in the Rnd of 16 win last night.
  3. As important as Starocci/Lewis is, I think it has high potential to be boring. The hot quarterfinal is Carr/Hamiti
  4. DC just said Schultz has never lost to Kerkvliet. I could be wrong, but I don’t remember them ever wrestling. Can anybody update me?
  5. I could be wrong, but Griffith looks like he is barely making it. Either injury, or the gas tank is empty.
  6. Idk who was complaining about PSU lack of bonus pts. 4 out of 5 so far tonite
  7. “Having is not always as good as wanting. It may not be logical, but it is often true.” - Mr Spock. Iowa will regret the day Ferrari puts on a black and gold singlet.
  8. Sorry, missed the penn state bleeding. Ngao was the most iffy of the ten PSU wrestlers, so let’s see what he can do on the backside. And yeah I had big hopes for kasak, but nick lee got head locked and pinned his freshman year and came back for 5th. It’s still pretty early.
  9. You guys have no idea…. My daughter scheduled her wedding during the Friday night session last year. Take it from me you can only sneak your phone out of your pocket so many times without catching real hell.
  10. Nah. I think Davis wants to get better and actually win a national title so he will probably steer clear of the Brands.
  11. Don’t think he needs that. Doesn’t look like he is on “roids”
  12. I would give my eye teeth to see Kasak in the finals. Especially because I think he pulls a Retherford and red shirts next year
  13. Not that I think it will happen, but I would love Davis to win this thing just so he can flash a smile at all you guys from the top of the podium.
  14. Let’s see, 2x champion, 3x finalist vs “Oops, how do you get past the quarterfinals”.
  15. Nolf and Imar only faced each during 1 season. 1 pin for Nolf, 2 decisions for Imar. Imar beat Brian Realbuto of Cornell for his first title.
  16. The Hidlay boys are 0 for 6 against Penn State in Nationals. They may wrestle tough, but it seems somebody wrestles just a little bit tougher.
  17. Glad you aren’t my doctor. Everyone has 2 anterior cruciate ligaments. The other 2 are posterior cruciate ligaments. And they do different things.
  18. That also might have been the last time Mekhi was completely healthy.
  19. Well, he was always going to have to beat Lewis, and the semi’s would have been Ruth or Griffith. Either way, he has to beat whoever shows up.
  20. Starocci vs Lewis was always the one I looked forward to. I just didn’t think it would happen Thursday night.
  21. How does a guy who hasn’t even wrestled in 3 years have 18 pages of comments about him. Does he even wrestle before before he is eligible for social security?
  22. I don’t know why anyone thinks Haines will get bumped out. Undefeated and an absolute hammer for the last month. Reminds me of Retherford and Lee.
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