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Everything posted by Richferg

  1. Endowments usually come from donors. Gatorade using Carter Starocci’s likeness on a bottle isn’t donating to Penn States endowment.
  2. I like KOT, but if you really watched Haines last year, he was a hammer from late January till the end of the year, and didn’t make any mistakes. At best that should be considered an interesting 50-50 weight class
  3. Unless he is looking for a free year of grad school.
  4. Correct me if I am wrong, and I probably am, but I thought NIL money was supposed to come from the sponsors who used the the athletes NIL.
  5. Close, except MM is at 157, and Kasak is red shirting.
  6. Well, if he does come back, have somebody tell him that the championship bout for 157 has started. He may not have gotten the message yet.
  7. Please don’t make me laugh. PSU and Cael redshirted 12 national titles in 2015. If they had Megaludis, Zain, Nolf, Nickal, and Joseph ( or even just some of them) in the line up, I am pretty sure they would not have finished 6th
  8. If you look at it from academics, I know how stupid is that, maybe hamiti is looking to lock up admission to great grad school and get the first year paid for. Griffith went from Stamford to Michigan. I have to believe some of that might have been academic.
  9. You clearly did. Walsh retreated the whole first period, didn’t take a shot. CS had a least 4 legit shots and pushed Walsh all over the mat.
  10. Did you ever hear the Fix vs RBY calls. If he could have jumped on the mat to help fix he would have.
  11. DC will always root against PSU. He hates Cael because Cael beat him for the championship. DC just can’t get past it.
  12. Correct. Captained ( I think) them to a national championship.
  13. Say what you want about all the other PSU accomplishments for the weekend, Kasak getting third is in the conversation for the best.
  14. I’m not a quint fan, but you do realize that he was a multi year AA at John’s Hopkins.
  15. Nothing on the ASU website about that. The PSU website says they wrestled in 21-22, with Kerk winning 8-2, but they list it as happening during the Nebraska dual meet, so that can’t be correct. I don’t think they have wrestled before tonight.
  16. Somebody tell DC that Schultz has never wrestled Kerkvliet. That’s why he has never lost to him.
  17. Hidlay is great, but you can’t deny he pulled a Fix the whole 3rd period, standing right on the out of bounds line. Brooks gets his 4th tomorrow night.
  18. Cormier is just too much of a homer. It’s embarrassing to listen to him.
  19. “Devastating” is a huge stretch. True freshman, who contributed all year to the best team in the country. I think that when he wakes up Sunday morning, he will be satisfied with his year.
  20. Does Carl even know wrestle-backs exist? Not that you numb nuts really care, but if you look at the instagram post of Kasak’s last wrestle-back, you will clearly see Cael sitting in his corner.
  21. I thought Kerk had slimmed down this year to help with his conditioning. I didn’t think he was anywhere near 285.
  22. Why. Are they going to an Indiana basketball game?
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