I like KOT, but if you really watched Haines last year, he was a hammer from late January till the end of the year, and didn’t make any mistakes. At best that should be considered an interesting 50-50 weight class
Please don’t make me laugh. PSU and Cael redshirted 12 national titles in 2015. If they had Megaludis, Zain, Nolf, Nickal, and Joseph ( or even just some of them) in the line up, I am pretty sure they would not have finished 6th
If you look at it from academics, I know how stupid is that, maybe hamiti is looking to lock up admission to great grad school and get the first year paid for. Griffith went from Stamford to Michigan. I have to believe some of that might have been academic.
Nothing on the ASU website about that. The PSU website says they wrestled in 21-22, with Kerk winning 8-2, but they list it as happening during the Nebraska dual meet, so that can’t be correct. I don’t think they have wrestled before tonight.
Hidlay is great, but you can’t deny he pulled a Fix the whole 3rd period, standing right on the out of bounds line. Brooks gets his 4th tomorrow night.
“Devastating” is a huge stretch. True freshman, who contributed all year to the best team in the country. I think that when he wakes up Sunday morning, he will be satisfied with his year.
Does Carl even know wrestle-backs exist?
Not that you numb nuts really care, but if you look at the instagram post of Kasak’s last wrestle-back, you will clearly see Cael sitting in his corner.