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Everything posted by bnwtwg

  1. Now I'm quadrupling down on how correct I am. This includes: We landed on the moon. Jury is still out whether there are Decepticons hiding on the dark side of the moon and Pink Floyd didn't give any guidance in that department. And while Kubrick had some masterpieces, he also had some real stinkers. No way he would have filmed as well as what we got. J6 they should all face criminal charges with actual consequences and that includes The Hamberdler but nothing will happen to him because that's the way the world really works. America was much closer to ripping apart that day than many seem to be able to acknowledge. Also, Hawley is a pussy. I really want to take his stupid fist and make him start hitting himself in the face with it until he cries uncle. 9/11 was awful. But like they say, dank memes melt steel beams. What do Pete Carroll and Aaron Rodgers know that they aren't telling the rest of us? See, I'm not a knucklehead. I'm always right, even if I need to be updated on occasion.
  2. Cox is already in - anyone who made a world or olympic team 2018-2023 is qualified. I do know this to be factually correct.
  3. After my Keuter prediction I am henceforth doubling down on all bad takes. No way I could ever be wrong.
  4. So you didn’t read that other important part about those already qualified? Or you just wanted to be a knucklehead?
  5. No persons who have qualified for Olympic Trials are allowed to enter this tournament.
  6. I haven't watched my DVR yet did Brands, Assad, Cassioppi, or Keuter wrestle?
  7. Nothing more than a friend of a friend’s uncle’s brother’s dentist’s tarot card reader’s rumor. I don’t believe it, but the person who brought it up is not one to typically fall for dumb stuff. Thus the “all the salt in the Appalachian Mountains” requirement.
  8. Ummm Keuter is in play supposedly. Take that with a mountain range of salt.
  9. 5:45/mile hungover 5k turkeytrot
  10. Hoffman's travels across weights have certainly been something. I hope he can successfuly hold 184 without going on a Barry Davis bender in February.
  11. Which non-participant receives more air time: Ben Keuter or Moriah Marinelli?
  12. Spencer was absolutely getting flashbacks to 'Nam when Mega stepped over the half
  13. Looks like our worst fears from a month ago were confirmed last night and Hendrickson's U23 title came at a very significant cost. He will most likely end his career as a 2x AA with no titles. Barring a Steveson comeback, Kerk will be untouched this year. If he is going to pursue a serious WCAP career then he needs to get out of his own way and pursue surgery + recovery. This sucks so much. He has been one of, if not the, best technician in all of college wrestling with a flair for sticking everyone and a red-hot prospect making an immediate impact on the senior circuit. Where were you when he nearly broke the world bronze medalist's ribs on a gut ride from hell?
  14. Vak we are on the same side. Let’s just use an emoji and call it a day. Esteemed VakAttack Random idiot on a forum Or better articulated: Spencer Lee fans who say “F (orget) the haters
  15. Was Mark Hall in the Mocco category coming out of high school?
  16. Correct. There is a way, but it will cut out multiple times and interrupt the end of matches with terrible unrelated ads that play on repeat.
  17. That usually goes away pretty quick after the first match. Can we say the same about Lee? Only time will tell. Like I said, I'm rooting for him to clear his high bar and come home from Paris with a shiny gold medal but I'm not wearing rose-colored glasses.
  18. Put Lee on the world stage and tell me it won’t happen. He can’t hang with Cronin Ramos et al but I’m supposed to believe he can go a full 6 with the world’s best? Okayyy. He can hammer the piss out of them in a way that would make JO jealous but he still can’t figure out the second period. It is what it is until he proves otherwise.
  19. I think Spencer Lee medals and depending on his draw could blitz the same way Musukaev just did, or gut it out by blitzing firsts/surviving second periods. Is it such a ridiculous comparison to say “hey, here is this world talent that can’t keep it together for 6 minutes against the (very few) domestic competition who can hang with him after the first period? Can only imagine what happens against the world…” I say no. His track record says no, for and against. And thus my “gee he should have gone to the best wrestling cardio RTC in the country” thought. Or are you saying that Lee can’t hold Musukaev’s jockstrap? Because I think he is every bit as exciting and full of BOOMBOOMBOOM don’t blink or you’ll miss it explosions. Just want to ensure we are on the same wavelength.
  20. That’s really fkn rude. And how am I playing all sides? I just compared him to the reigning world champ at an Olympic weight that also has considerable gas tank issues and said, for the umpteenth time over the years, that he is my pick for the 2024 Olympic team and would have been for 2020 as well if he didn’t blow out his knees. And @Wrestleknownothing he didn’t resolve the cardio at worlds. Still the same wrestler he has always been, but he finally put it all together to outlast his weaknesses as all the best ones do. We will have to agree to disagree on this one. He’s still the most exciting wrestler in the world.
  21. He should pick up the nickname Moose. As in Spencer “Call me Musukaev. Hold my beer and watch the most exciting 3 minutes of wrestling while I hang on for a 6 minute match” Lee And he is still my OTT pick. Even though he should have joined NLWC to become his best self. I hate myself for saying that but it’s true.
  22. Zain vs Dake... yikes. I bet the public match would be close by ritual of habit but that first match was probably a bloodbath. And that's why we likely see Zain pull a Greezy. Stupid IOC. dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
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