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Everything posted by ionel

  1. This ain't fair ... Brooks is too short.
  2. Well Biden never knows and has never discussed what Hunter does for business so ... I mean c'mon man parents don't talk to their kids about work or gf, bf, spouse, etc, that'd be getting personal. We certainly would not ask our kids anything if we saw a suite case full of cash in the closet. Why even testify, just invoke the Biden defense.
  3. Surber tf Berryhill 34-6
  4. Somewhere they review & found a td 2-5 Picklo.
  5. Thompson Picklo back & forth cradles in SV no score.
  6. Think he beat Teague by 1 maybe 6-5 and thats was Nov. Williams looks small for 149 to me.
  7. Actually he looked good, in on several shots, single leg Williams just dove back thru for leg to counter.
  8. But there was the one during.
  9. Will Iowa take an ice-cream break after this one.
  10. Had a better chance of 2 td on his feet especially if the knee was hurt, maybe Bono knows something.
  11. Who doesn't want to see a Bono Brands brawl at some point during the meet?
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