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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Might need to go back and review @mspart's fuel tax and price but he does have that 40mpg Passat so ...
  2. Ok ... since my grand & great grand kids are loaning the money can I on their behalf (since they aren't yet born) cancel the debt? Also, I don't think Biden is a student loan lender moreover me thinks he might have overstated our balance sheet.
  3. Its an election year, we want more "free" stuff. Can he also cancel the national debt?
  4. The numbers need to be related to the number of high school kids who have the opportunity to wrestle, not just general population. Then look at of those with access to HS wrestling how many had junior high wrestling, how many had access to a club program. Yeah there are a lot of big deserts across the country and a lot of areas with no or poor access to club.
  5. Just threw his whole body/running onto the mat multiple times, giving opposing coaches the shaft from the corner, his humping imitation, etc etc ... "not at all."
  6. Mine would be more interesting if include all the places visited from home location. But when you only visit for a week or two you don't get the local interaction that I'm sure you were able to achieve.
  7. Interesting chart, mine would be rather boring.
  8. Since we seem to be bending the rules. Oklahoma: Uetake - all time GOAT, he called Stillwater home for 5 to 6 years. backup John Smith - US International GOAT
  9. What is their percent profit and how does it compare to other industry/sectors?
  10. I was never sure whether to buy TSLA or short it. Finally bought some, made some money and sold it. It felt a little bit like investing in bitcoin. Now if I could buy SpaceX ...
  11. Can we get a definition of "your state?" Perhaps it should be something like a state in which you currently pay taxes. We also need a definition for "wrestler's state." Perhaps again something like a state in which parents paid taxes (or the most taxes) while said wrestler was in high school.
  12. Well let's be accurate. The chart says $9B to the "EV maker." That would be Tesla and pays for labor, materials, etc. Is Tesla making excess profit from the subsidy, that could be looked into. If they are the profit goes to the share holders of which Musk is one. He isn't getting $9B. Now that doesn't mean we need to continue giving Tesla govt money, they should be able to stand on there own now. But its just like a tax deduction, if the govt set up rules/criteria for receiving the subsidy or for customers receiving and Tesla qualifies then it should continue till the program is changed.
  13. Carl & Tommie have shown they don't. This weekend may indicate where B Smith stands. I do think Brands believes the dual on the 25th matters even if others don't.
  14. and their match may determine the dual meet.
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