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Everything posted by ionel

  1. He looks and acts just like the oldest one, same apple tree.
  2. Give him time to work on his deadlift. I'm disappointed he hasn't posted any new records.
  3. Pro: he has now seen the southern border Con: he has no idea why we have a southern border
  4. Yeah good luck with the younger one, he still comes with the package deal of parents and uncle, maybe a guest visit from the bros.
  5. But Iowa wanted him, why didn't he stay?
  6. Yes it sounded like a combination. Fire started due to high wind knocking down power lines. If they shut off power due to high wind no start to the fire. The fire got out of control because they'd converted green areas back to dry vegetation.
  7. 1942 155lb bracket finished exactly as seeded, think that gives an absolute difference of 0.
  8. Don't forget, Davis got half his salary in doughnuts not cheese.
  9. Yes I believe this is what they discussed but it had to start somehow and belive they concluded downed power lines due to high wind.
  10. Wait ... how many years ago, how old are you, are you discussing your swimming accolades on a wrestling board?
  11. It appears either the conference officials were misquoted or they don't know the rules.
  12. hmm ... but didn't appear he interfered with any other swimmers.
  13. Would it have been ok if they'd celebrated beow water going under instead of over the lane divider?
  14. Didn't he also destroy evidence, or alleged that he did?
  15. He's not flipping the bird, thats a two figure peace sign. He's new to our country, give him a break, he didn't know we do the two figure peace sign with one hand.
  16. That doesn't have anything to do with your inaccurate thread. I'm sure we can find a state rep from just about any state that made a disgusting remark about a group of people.
  17. ionel


    I'm sure Wkn would be happy to tell us but he doesn't know.
  18. There is no evidence and no one is saying (not even the mom) that anyone was "beaten." Aa far as we can tell it was 3 girls with water against them and one fell and hit there head.
  19. The OP could use the >edit >hide function and then this entire incorrectly title thread would go away.
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