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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Its udderly ridiculous that any would use anything but a natural container.
  2. Well there is that. If you don't know what you're doing maybe stick with that sealed bottled milk.
  3. ahh ... good point ... most disappointing. What about MP, we always have some friendly banter?
  4. Are you suggesting I have no friends? I consider Fly a good internet friend. By my asking he then can spend more valuable time on the portal.
  5. and chickens! You've seen his smoked chicken correct?
  6. When still had the cows we had a bottle of fresh milk straight from the cow every morning. It was the best milk ever. We didn't try to store it, got another fresh bottle next day. You are just being lazy, go get a fresh bottle every day.
  7. What about diversity? Shouldn't we accept dopes for who they are? We let Ban into our forum life.
  8. Yes Carl is underperforming. Would it be against NCAA rules to give the recruit a brand new dodgeball?
  9. ... believe yesterday was reported would be Ban's last day or today, course same was said ~week ago. Since I have him on ignore do any know if the great Ban is still amongst us on these here forums?
  10. Don't be Ban ... be better than Ban! I said there's much more to this, most every 10 year contract period eligibility & incentives were tweaked. Yes I've been on farms in IA, MN, IL, IA, MO, KS, OK, NE etc there's a difference with soil type on 0-2% slope vs 3-5% or sandy vs loam with 10mph wind vs 30 to 40 mph. There are plenty of highly erodible soils on 3-5% slope and even wind related on 0-2% slope loamy sand. Glacial soil deposits is a full semester+ course, we don't have time for that. We could also look at adoption rates in and out of CRP as well as tillage and planting technology. We are not talking about what you see out your window or read in some newspaper article but about research and facts. Don't be Ban and try to make up your own facts, I've read your stuff, you are better than that.
  11. If I overnight my sliderule can you have it by first thing Monday morning?
  12. Do you mean which years have AAs finished in the top 8 in every weight class? BTW: believe Wkn has a table on this but he may show up late today as he was up late last night celebrating yesterday's pinfall success.
  13. When looking at his username all I see is: PINFALL! PINFALL!! PINFALL!!!
  14. Wkn is attempting to entice you to use words that don't exist, he does that a lot on here.
  15. Nevermind, let's just keep this about Ban unless Agent 99 has some input.
  16. I have learned one thing today. Ban was just as obnoxious and stupid 10+ years ago. Either I'd forgot this fact or I put him on ignore much sooner than this go around.
  17. Most all of us yes, but a pinfall reference was thrown in on page 1 just to make your day.
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