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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Sorry to hear. Its good you got to see her. My mom died during covid (not of) service outside at cemetery, 4 kids 2 spouses and my dad. Back to normal is better.
  2. So how does that weekend single event or month subscription work? Cause all I see is the annual option.
  3. So ... like Bob this thread will be with us through eternity. What if you just pin the thread at the bottom?
  4. But you refuse to post the last word, you keep posting two words.
  5. Who wouldn't stop working if it meant you get a 40% pay increase?
  6. Could we simply ban the use of that term, whether it be in a post in a username or in a thread title, on the Wrestling forums?
  7. can we say they same about the UAW?
  8. It was getting pretty close, nhs said last word and got an amen then some s%#* house came along and started asking questions.
  9. what else you gonna do this evening?
  10. Can we see the data going back 4.5M years to the Pliocene Climatic Optimum when it was 400ppm? And why was it so high? Were dinosaurs farting or burning coal to stay warm? You guys need to check out the Smoker thread, those guys are messing up the planet burning coals just to make their meet tasty.
  11. Bob Dole is expired, he has no thoughts.
  12. Also, I can come up with a still photo showing flying saucers & aliens are taking over our planet, doesn't prove its true.
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