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Everything posted by ionel

  1. You go too far Bob. Yes it a slam dunk that you won ... but I really liked James H. Lane and he is also dead.
  2. so if you read the whole thing 10 years ago and you re-read it again now, how much more stupid does one become. Is it simple 2x or ^2 and does it put one at BB stupid level?
  3. We've herein discovered the loophole for the Iowa athletes. If they never shook hands then there was no bet no gambling so they should be forthwith reinstated immediately! Someone contact the state's AG office.
  4. CRP came about because of soil erosion. In the North Central region (IA, IL, IN, MN etc) it was primarily a slope issue. In the Great Plains (OK, KS, NE etc) a wind issue. Soils were categorized based on being highly erodiable due to soil type and slope or wind. This was at a time (like you said 80s ish) when very little adoption of min-till and no-till farming practices. If highly erodiable soils the farmer & landowner had a choice if they wanted to remain eligible for government payment, put it in CRP or change tillage to min/no-till to conserve the soil reduce/eliminate erosion. These were 10 year contracts. Some opted out and continued current practice. Many entered the program because they didn't have the equipment to change and in many areas the agronomy, engineering, economic (compaction, tempt, yield etc) research was not there for these new practices. After the first 10 contracts and the second 10 yr the research and new practices had caught up and more and more land came back out of CRP, more so in NC than prob GP region. On average farmers own maybe 10% of the land they farm, larger farm operations less than the avg. I know of a 6k+ acre operation where its only 4%. If a farmer had a 10 year cash rent contract (10 would be highly unusual) with the landowner they could put it in CRP and net the difference. But for most why would the landowner let the farmer operator take all the payment if the landowner can take the contract themselves? Most arrangements back then were sharecrop or short 2 or 3 year cash rent contracts. No farmers didn't throw all there land into CRP because they could make more money than growing crops. It was an environmental issue and also issue for land owners & operators who wanted to remain eligible for other gvt programs. If you want to sign up for the full lecture let me know, there's a lot more to it. Your welcome. And sorry in advance for spelling grammatical errors, on tablet not gonna proof read and edit.
  5. Maybe he got the optional air lift kit and its in off road mode now but let the air out & he can slide right in. If you look close might note the fridge is under the tonno cover in the bed.
  6. Looks like someone just got a new truck, do we know its NIL? Also if NIL, is the fact that the truck is black with orange trim a potential violation?
  7. The problem we may be facing is whether to vote for a halfwit over a quarterwit?
  8. Yes. You think he is!? BTW: Its not wrestling season yet so many of us are in BS mode, that doesn't mean we are politicians.
  9. Like said, I didn't say Trump was sharp. Many of us believe Trump is about as sharp as a potato, apologizes to @Idaho, that makes him pretty dull. Ban is lower thus not as sharp or more dull depending on how you want to phrase it.
  10. Conservation Researve Program pays land owners to establish generally a native grass (switch grass type) on land that has been deemed highly erodiable. It generally doesn't pay a farmer unless the farmer owns that track of land. I know of no farmers who are able to stop producing crops and survive on CRP payments. CRP is good for the land, wildlife and the climate.
  11. And so where did I say in that post that 1 ÷ 10 is not equal to 10% ?
  12. Yes, check out the Smoker thread, BIG smiles over there.
  13. Specifics please, what farmers, crops, states? Paid to produce absolutely nothing, is this a new Biden Ag policy? I have not heard of it.
  14. Who gets paid to not grow anything?
  15. Wow! I used to have a phone like that.
  16. Then quote it, do you not know how to use the quite button?
  17. Maybe he just teaches English and simple math. Either way his students are doomed or hopefully smart enough to figure it out themselves.
  18. Then quote what I said. You are an idiot. No one can prove a negative but if I said it you could easily prove that I did. Prove that you've never stolen a car. You can't do it. But if you had, we could find the police records to prove you did it. Everytime you post you just make up new lies. Maybe you aren't the Deuce but rather the Son of Deuce. What a dumbo!
  19. New related info: https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/38340579/hunter-dekkers-5-plead-guilty-underage-gambling
  20. No I did not, you are a liar and a Deuce.
  21. Then just quote it, let's see it.
  22. I'd like to point out that skeet & trap shooter are not soccer, neither is fishing. I think Penn St would do well at these three because they are fun!
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