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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Hauling the Milk https://www.wisfarmer.com/story/news/2023/09/07/hauling-milk-has-been-a-3-generation-tradition-for-schwartz-family/70762322007/
  2. For those doubters, sure this is a reach but not impossible if Cruise makes all the right moves and Princeton simply shows him the money.
  3. Difference is Bill Clinton lied under oath. Biden stumbles around and tells lies all the time but that's not impeachable. The public is free to elect a buffoon and/or liar anytime they want, we've done it many times in the past. There is a solution for buyers remorse, it comes around every 4 years.
  4. Yes look at what Tulsi Gabbard (one of their own) had to say about the Hillary nomination.
  5. I have a bit of trouble reading lips from still photos but yeah I'd say that looks like what John is saying.
  6. I am betting that John was in favor of this knowing he'd get to work with Pendelton, have Munoz (& others) to train with and be back in home state.
  7. Also there's a similar reason why Mike Stoops is no longer a head coach and why his brother kept him in the box not down on the field.
  8. Well actually the Tom Cruise hire will also work.
  9. Well the story is he never wanted to "ban basketball" either so should we believe him when he says he will cancel himself from the forum or for that matter anything he says. I'm beginning to think BB isn't real (nobody can be this dumb) but rather an AI bot of some sort. No not Artificial Intelligence but Artificial Idiot. Some programer (maybe it was Bob) decided it'd be really fun to code a bot that was so dumb in its replies and the more you interact with it the more obnoxious and stupid the response, even coded in an occassion nonsensical math equation.
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