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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Can't simply answer the questions? Got it.
  2. I've asked before and unanswered, why is this "banned" from 3rd grade? Look at the colorful pictures.
  3. Where was the hospital? Did it have tunnels under?
  4. Never back up when you can go forward.
  5. Maybe the US will give them a strip of land along the central west coast of California.
  6. I have friends who can be seen driving their car with bike helmet on. If you see such, it ain't me.
  7. I can still be seen around town multiple times a week in skin tight cycling bib & jersey, my kids are all gone, maybe thats why they left.
  8. Probably true but me thinks Wkn is just trying to generate excess demand for his huge supply of speedos, next he'll be posting a link to all the merch.
  9. Do any GOP use the term MAGA? Only folks I see still using it are Biden the DEMs maybe Trump and a few select posters on these here boards. And what about that Ultra MAGA that Biden coined. If MAGA is a small group the Ultra must only be Trumps best friends. But does Trump even have friends ... ... well there is Ban and obviously TitleIX cause he loves all serial sex offenders. If you don't like the term then please stop using it!
  10. This could be and if so then why worry about this small group & why spend so much time & energy worrying about maga?
  11. True or not? Well evidently a majority voted for Hamas but that was back in 2006. The young people had nothing to do with that vote but why haven't a majority risen up since and demanded new elections. Doesn't mean the non Hamas civilians deserve any of this but if you want change and peace may need to vote for change and peace?
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