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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Iowa v Penn St dual this year, if it works there ...
  2. Then should be a good payout when they win 3 titles this year, no? Bet the trifocus!
  3. Wouldn't AJ technically be a "repeat?" No love for Iowa.
  4. But his lawyers will be allowed a phone call, correct?
  5. Well I always heard lawyering was all about the billable hours so ...
  6. Lawyers lawyering ... there being paid well, correct?
  7. Bob ain't get'n no more votes, we now know the last word and it ain't nice, so can we just get a
  8. ftfy but Ban prefers to be called ma'am.
  9. Yeah you have a point there, plus he loves cats so ...
  10. Don't lump us in with you! None of us, or certainly many of us or at least some were not like you!
  11. Ahh ... yes yes we do. He can't just throw this scorched earth youth reference out there and leave us hanging ... yes we need to know.
  12. Tell us more about the young Wkn's scorched earth adventures. This thread needs a good side track while we go thru the next 50+ votes.
  13. He's just like the oldest bro except will never make 665 baby!
  14. One Ferrari blew up OSU, what do you think 3 will do to Iowa?
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