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Everything posted by ionel

  1. So how many killed? Seems they could figure that out.
  2. Its all about computer power. Illinois will win that battle.
  3. I can sell you a vowel for last name or trade for address on that Thanksgiving smoke turkey.
  4. If dead folks can vote for Presidential candidates then dead statesmen should be able to serve as Speaker. I hearby & forthwith nominate from the great state of Kansas the Honerable but dead Senator Bob Dole. Likewise nominate the statesman Founding Father, also dead, from Nevis first Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. What say yes @BobDole and @Interviewed_at_Weehawken? We need a Speaker!
  5. You are missing my prediction. I said he get it in 52 votes, Jordan was gonna wear em down by 51. He woulda won just need to go 52, prove me wrong.
  6. Is this a legal strategy kindve like the liar liar pants on fire defense?
  7. Can't be ... Benard said otherwise. He's on the ground.
  8. Its not about the AP class, its whether you already know the material. Good grief! Its not wrestling its math. If comfortable with only 80% then.prob retake but if if absolutely knoww 100% then whats the point.
  9. Engineering is engineering just like calc is calc, its all the same math no matter where you take it. If you already know it no reason to repeat but yes a lot students need those first classes, I know some that didn't.
  10. No idea what courses you take for that major or job areas it preps for but these days kids can come in with two semesters worth of AP credit etc which can count toward requirements and electives in the softer majors. Those won't do much for you in say engineering except maybe skip over first level math, algebra, calc.
  11. What ... who? I know of no such animal or nut!
  12. This would be an interesting concept. Alternate throwing out a wrestler, other team counters, no weight classes.
  13. Herd the below might be in question, but would really knows.
  14. Not a takeaway but there was and always is significant other economic factors in play that the President has no influence on. Also, B Clinton was pretty darn fiscally conservative (sim JFK) compared to recent Rs.
  15. Be sure and include brackets for the dot com paper wealth era the market crashes etc.
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