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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Don't ya have to work at something a min amout of time (like 7 yrs to be vested) before you can retire? get on it
  2. a great sig line for these here forums
  3. Jimmy can get all 3 admitted, Angelo takes a skippy year.
  4. https://www.businessinsider.com/abigail-disney-heiress-wrong-fly-private-boeing-737-jet-2024-1?amp Maybe she'd ^^^ be willing to go have a word with Al Gore & John Kerry.
  5. When MP was in charge we had to put up with that east coast time crap. Now that fly is in control folks on the west half of the country get nice things.
  6. Fly posted the schedule, he gets to pick the times and wanted NE v MN @ 7 pst.
  7. Thanks fly, MP must've finally got a day job.
  8. nah ... but its not a bad guess
  9. But since there might be some state law legal issues there, I'm willing to bet my best bottle of bourbon straight up against Wkn's best bottle of bourbon.
  10. Trophy presentation: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFZjo5PgG0
  11. But does Fix or Vito have a 10% chance of making the cut to 125 cause if they can I'd give either a 99% chance of winning.
  12. Ranked how high? If not top 15 or top 10 doesn't mean much for team points.
  13. Gotta wonder why do the reporters show up for these? PS: did anyone ask if the Focus is still at the training center? TB is still on the board correct?
  14. Can't be ... they got no Ferraris, just ask Jimmy ... oh wait ... are you Jimmy?
  15. I don't always need a spiritual advisor But when I do I listen to Dr. Phillips Stay metaphysical my friend.
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