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Everything posted by ionel

  1. You are talking Wisconsin correct?
  2. What % of the target wrestling audience have ever been in a phone booth? Asking for an old friend.
  3. Are you betting on the raccoons or the wrestlers? I may need odds, where is Wkn?
  4. But can't we just say "he has no losses on his record" instead of "he is undefeated?" Cause I specifically remember seeing the Focus beat him.
  5. I miss the racoon hunts.
  6. So kind've like losing at the All Star, everyone knows you lost but it doesn't really count as a loss?
  7. Didn't Glazier lose to the Focus before he technically beat the Focus so is he really undefeated?
  8. Taylor does it after milking his goats.
  9. Uetake did not lose, period.
  10. If two guys want to stall at the same time why should the ref or fans care?
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