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Everything posted by RYou

  1. He's put on a bit of weight over the past year, maybe too much to continue as a LB. That may have pushed him down the team chart for the D line after spring ball. Wrestling at 125 KG should increase his agility for the D line so this may not be a bad option to increase his football talent.
  2. Starocci will have a hard time capturing #5 at 197, much too small.
  3. Keep it clean. No blue comments. This is a kid friendly forum.
  4. May well be the signal...."I'm done." JB has neeevvvveeeer missed weight.
  5. Just because Flo / Track has it on bracket paper doesn't mean it's true. It is Flo you know.
  6. 490 dual wins......I'm really surprised he didn't take one more year to pass that 500 win standard.
  7. How many qualify out of the LCQ ? winner ? finalists ?
  8. This partnership has nothing to do with splitting from the NCAA and everything to do with the NIL fiasco. That Tennessee judge just lifted all of the plastic handcuffs the NCAA had used to slow the steamroller down. Now it's been unleashed. B1G and SEC are looking at how to deal with this unspoken professional development program. Combine it with the Dartmouth NLRB decision stating student athletes are employees of the university, which no university wants, and you've got the basis for arms distance university affiliation, if not ownership of a minor league team for sports. Should that NLRB be upheld under court appeal, you'll almost all small schools erase their contact sport athletic programs. They won't want to be paying someone (wouldn't even have to be a graduate) lifetime work comp medical and disability benefits and open up the full employee benefits package to the student participants. Just hope Congress adopts some kind of an amateur sports law that prevents students designated as employees of the university that can pass muster in the courts.
  9. The Ferrari bros were born and raised in Texas though they spent about 2 years in new Jersey. i year at Blair and 1 at Bergen Catholic before moving back to Texas to wrestle. And, for WIW, those Jersey Shore kids were from NY. NY doesn't have shore towns like those in Jersey.
  10. No thanks, NJ has borne our share of their antics while they were at Blair and Bergen Cath. Besides, Scott Goodale wouldn't want the headaches they'd bring to the University.
  11. All NILs have contracts, otherwise it's not "NIL" cash.
  12. Correct. First it's not an Olympic redshirt, it's an Olympic Waiver. The athlete cannot register with any school nor take online coursework for two terms, fall and spring, or equivalent quarters.
  13. "the IOC reserves the right to decide about the participation of individual neutral athletes with a Russian passport in the Olympic Games Paris 2024 and the Olympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026 at the appropriate time." Note the reference to "individual neutral athletes". It's not all or none. They are leaving in the opportunity to be selective about admission. If, say, Sidakov is truly pro Russia as respects Ukraine, he could be banned while other Russians are llowed to compete.
  14. Geez, why not make this PSU VS Best of the Rest?
  15. Wouldn't true Ai offer your opponent the same detail about you ? And, given your use of trends and tactics and how to attack your opponent, wouldn't AI inform your opponent of how you will be attack and how to counter what is likely to be expected ? It seems to me, that with both using similar strategic programming we would be saddled with an inordinate number of OT's, 1-0, and 2-1 bouts except for those where one opponent is clearly dominant. NCAA championships would become boring.
  16. I'm not so sure of that. Both sports are allowed to offer partial scholarships. D1 Men's XC/ track has a max of 12.6 scholarships to partial out while the women get 18. Like wrestling, few get the full ride. At 50%, that's 15 men and 36 women with financial aid. In wrestling, few get 50%, most are more like 25%, particularly those with hoards in the room. Women's XC/Track can easily mete out 18 full scholarships and field a complete and competitive team across all events. In almost every sport with men's and women's teams, the women get far more scholarships to offer, mainly to make up for the volume football gets allocated, 85. ex. - men's basketball - 13, women's -15; men's gymnastics - 6.3, women's - 12; men's swimming - 9.9, women's - 14
  17. Of course, that's why the all star event results are excluded from seeding. Most are still shaking off a little rust from the 7 month vacation.
  18. Greco is the original from the first Olympiad. Freestyle didn't emerge until the 19th century.
  19. LOL, why not mud wrestling, it's way ahead of beach wrestling?
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