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Everything posted by TexRef

  1. Not necessarily. There is an Afton, Wyoming and there is some tough wrestling there, Star Valley HS. I could so totally see Wes Wesley getting 3rd there.
  2. Will this be available for our viewing pleasure?
  3. That was me! My boss told me how the pay increase was not in the budget, so I gave him the Ferrari Salute! Oh and my boss wouldn't even help me up. CURSE WORD!
  4. I don't think Kade Moore is getting enough love from the Mizzou fans. That kid is solid and came up with a big fall against VT.
  5. The waiting game. This is worse than summer time.
  6. Don't forget that you need the official haircut of Iowa...the mullet! That completes the costume!
  7. Just like a career politician! Maybe they are in training?
  8. Merry Christmas and I wish you all great health so we can keep this fun banter up!
  9. They used those crazy floor colors and those were the types of things they made fun of the ABA for doing. How the times have changed.
  10. Right on. I went to the Journeymen Fall Classic. Frank runs a tight ship and it was great as usual.
  11. Oh I am not saying that John's weight class "suggestion" was the only thing that was wrong, but it didn't help the situation. Yes, he got the munchies and maybe ordered a few too many pizzas. I find that part odd, because I have always been told that "the pizza is just BETTER up north!" lol
  12. I have heard that was also an issue with Marsteller.
  13. It was the perfect time to leave. There were issues and John wanted him to cut down to 126 and TJ wanted to be at 134. On his way out, John told him that he would never win at that weight or at any other school! Pat did redshirt that year.
  14. I hope they get it back to D1 status.
  15. Braxton Brown! I guess we could start calling him the Texan Turtle!
  16. Sounds like some of those old NAIA programs from the early '80's!
  17. Did Tim get rid of the age ol cheer for WV fans? Beers, cheers, Mountaineers!
  18. @1032004 Yes grayshirting! That was the word I was looking for but I had a brain fart instead. Nice kid and was set on those 3 programs. When we were talking, I mentioned that there are other schools looking for a 125lber and that one school in particular with a plaid mat (I still believe that is the coolest D1 mat) even had a kid a few years ago that built similar to Hendrickson. He just smiled and said that he had narrowed down his options to those 3 choices. I wish him all the best!
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