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Everything posted by Tripnsweep

  1. Kayla loses 6-3 against some Roman. Gave up 4 from the same slide by and 2 on a roll through on her cradle attempt.
  2. During his run of World/Olympic teams Bruce never lost to an American. I think his streak was 13 years. He lost to non Americans during that time though. Tom Erickson was sometimes the #2 heavyweight in the world but could never beat him for the spot on the World/Olympic team.
  3. Don't know why she was on the clock. The Indian didn't really do anything in the 2nd period.
  4. Interesting to see who is and isn't in the corner for the US women.
  5. Sadulaev losing gets the pin with 5 seconds left. Damn.
  6. Snyder up in a minute here I think. Jen Page wins 6-4. Impressive with 2 headlocks.
  7. I know it was after but Josh Glenn who won an NCAA title for American U became a Navy SEAL.
  8. It's a dated reference but in the context it is kind of funny. Also consider it is from a cartoon and as far as I know, nobody has ever said anything.
  9. I think a few people got confused and thought that was an oddly racist thing to say. Now they probably think I'm just weird.
  10. Dake hangs on to beat the sandal wearing goldfish tender.
  11. What time are the finals today? I don't want to miss 86.
  12. I have never understood why his conditioning is so bad. It isn't like he slacks off in practice.
  13. 2nd period Dake looked about as fresh as expired milk.
  14. Lenny Zalesky was the head coach at UC Davis when they got dropped. Also ODU dropping had nothing to do with Martin.
  15. We watched the Olympics in 88 when the USSR was still in Afghanistan making a mess of things and probably committing war crimes. Or during the mid 90s when they were doing the same to their own in Chechnya.
  16. Guys who Welch on bets. Can't stand them. No matter who they wrestle for.
  17. Did he? Who am I thinking of who coached in college but didn't wrestle in college. I could have sworn it was Borelli but I'm sure you would know.
  18. Too bad Gennady Tulbea retired or we would have Monaco represented. Battle of the small countries!
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