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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. Their primary value proposition is that Christian Pyles will never be announcing on their stream.
  2. Given the sheer number of crypto-burglaries and crypto-exchange failures, it's surprising that the federal government hasn't stepped in harder.
  3. I understand perfectly well. You didn't answer the question to any meaningful degree. Perhaps my choice of terms upset you, as the more colloquial usage is the one you seem to be stuck on. Let me rephrase. No cryptocurrency has any intrinsic value. All cryptocurrencies could be rendered valueless instantly by any central back. All cryptocurrencies could be rendered useless by levying a tax against all transactions. All cryptocurrencies could be rendered worthless by using IP Packet inspection and dropping them at the switch. "Investing" in cryptocurrencies is the modern equivalent to hoarding Beanie Babies. If this topic is so painful for you, let's just drop it.
  4. I would be interested to hear explanations about what financial backing any crypto currency claims to have.
  5. Lots of people made money during the Ponzi era. It's just that everyone else got completely screwed. All cryptocurrencies are fiat currencies that could be made worthless with the stroke of a pen. If you're sitting at a poker game and you don't know who the mark is... it's you.
  6. I looked at her social media pictures. She looks *good*.
  7. From reading his social media and listening to him on FRL, I see him as a broad supporter of crypto and NFT. These are all based on the 'most holy blockchain', which he clearly doesn't understand. I enjoy his take and broadly agree with him on most wrestling topics, but he's way off the reservation on most other topics.
  8. Speaking of hilarious crypto shenanigans. https://fortune.com/2022/11/12/ftx-investigating-662-million-worth-of-unauthorized-transactions-24-hour-period-after-bankruptcy/ Maybe Ben will stick to wrestling commentary for a while...
  9. I'm actually more interested in the UWW's digital build out and how that might further balkanize the market.
  10. Sure. A small number of people will pay for the PPV for each tournament. I would argue this is a worse outcome and business model than having everybody pay a bit more and having all tournaments available to everyone.
  11. I'm your Huckleberry... Let's do the most interesting team first. 50kg Hildebrandt 53kg Parrish 55kg Winchester 57kg Maroulis 59kg Nelson 62kg Miracle 65kg Velte 68kg Mensah-Stock 72kg Elor 76kg Grey
  12. I don't remember. I think it's been a while. Not having Flo isn't really an option, given my connection.
  13. It's also a barrier to entry. How many people would have paid a higher base monthly bill and watched more wrestling? How many people pay the base but balk at paying the PPV for events? If they had a smart model, there would be a revenue sharing agreement that the consumer was blind to. With this stuff, the consumer sees everything and may decide not to purchase. Fewer events make money this way.
  14. My favorite is being on a monthly paid service with Flo and still getting force fed ads during every stream.
  15. 10 of them are from California...
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