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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. O'Toole not really working. No danger.
  2. Shilson gets the late 4 on Prussin's last attack. Good to see Prussin going down swinging.
  3. I had fun at this event once upon a time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw8TnY0fmDg
  4. He was on the side of the head. Bad call, reversed.
  5. I live an hour south of San Francisco. I have suffered no crime here. Therefore San Francisco is totally without crime, right?
  6. Oh, good lord. Captain Corndog himself.
  7. The plural of anecdote is not data.
  8. They're not going to have Christian Pyles announcing, are they?
  9. All social media is brain poison. Can we at least agree on that?
  10. Silly rabbits, Cinnabon isn't a person... It's a state of trolling mind.
  11. https://www.allsides.com/news-source/quillette-media-bias Is it possible that the conservative behave poorly more often on Twitter and thus get more sanctions? Is it possible that the content moderation on Twitter, which WAS algorithmic + reporting based, showed more reported acts for conservatives? Is it possible that Trump supporters said more shitty things (racism, sexism, etc) than Clinton supporters did? I think you'd need to look more closely at the survey construction to tell if any variable isolation was done at all.
  12. Kimber over Corbett Makoyed over Lee Nwachukwu over Boyd Shilson over Prussin
  13. You presume to know what missing data will show. This smacks of confirmation bias.
  14. Sounds like you should start your own social media company where you set the Terms of Service.
  15. It's hardly sporting. You should let him get a few posts in and THEN ban him. Get his hopes up before you dash them.
  16. Imagine spending $44 billion to reactivate a shitty guy's account, but the shitty guy won't even use it. That's some expensively funny shit.
  17. You could lose a finger if you got between someone's Rascal and the refilling of the butterfly shrimp tray.
  18. https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2022/November/22/Womens-Nationals-to-Spokane
  19. I would have thought 'Golden Corral' or 'Applebys' might have worked...
  20. I'm trying to jump start a neuron or two.
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