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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2022/November/16/Japan-World-Cup-team-announcement Japan isn't even sending their second team.
  2. https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2022/November/16/Japan-World-Cup-team-announcement Hmmmm...
  3. I'm laughing at the Keystone Kops nature of the marketing effort. Why produce collateral for something that isn't happening? Where did you find that image?
  4. Never leave your computer logged in and open, folks. Public safety tip.
  5. Who said, "I love the poorly educated!" ? Trying to say that the Republicans don't pander is a bit disingenuous.
  6. I think it would be a formidable challenge for Ben to explain the interaction between FTX and FTT without copious notes.
  7. Wrestling's greatest failure is poor retention rates. It affects every aspect of our sport from dual forfeits to the inability to build long term support within a community.
  8. Looking forward to the mandatory 'ticket packages 2.0'.
  9. According to this https://cdn.uww.org/s3fs-public/2022-11/infos_12_coralville_web_0.pdf there's a 2kg allowance and they appear to have shuffled the groups for the women. Group A is now Japan, Mongolia and Ukraine Group B is now USA, China and The World
  10. Take what you please from this. Do go back and read the thread and decide who was being snicky first...
  11. Understanding how or why things ended up that way isn't important? I'm sure your solutions will be the bestest then.
  12. And the President of the UWW is from Belgrade...
  13. They knew they were going to have to adjust the dates to avoid the Asian Championships. Still wrong on the main Events page. This looks like they're manually updating things in multiple locations. Inside the event itself.
  14. It's hard to have much confidence in the current situation. Until there's some stability, I don't see things changing either.
  15. It's not even 'looser', it's just a constant accretion of new exemptions and clauses to handle specific cases that's the problem. Like using nested epicycles to explain apparent retrograde behavior in planetary orbits instead of understanding that orbits are ellipses and not perfect circles.
  16. Well, with Dobbs, you get more interest in voting. https://www.npr.org/2022/11/10/1135810302/turnout-among-young-voters-was-the-second-highest-for-a-midterm-in-past-30-years https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3731564-young-women-broke-hard-for-democrats-in-the-midterms/ Women 18-29 went 72% for Democrats. The GOP won't get those voters back. Dobbs was clearly in 'dog catches car' territory.
  17. Looks like the SEC may be getting ready to get involved. https://www.wsj.com/articles/ftx-collapse-sets-back-crypto-agenda-in-washington-11668434402
  18. https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2022/November/15/USA-lineups-for-World-Cup
  19. That's probably correct, but isn't in the rules, strangely.
  20. It's the same mechanism that FTX used with their FTT tokens. They're a bet against future earnings. Read the article. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-11-14/ftx-s-balance-sheet-was-bad
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