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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. Do you really think he comes up with his talking points on his own? It's like Cliff's Notes for Tucker Carlson's show.
  2. https://uww.org/article/asian-championships-entry-list On the women's side: * Fujinami is back at 53s. * Batkhuyagiin Khulan is replaced by Bat Ochir for MGL... * No Susaki at 50s
  3. Why didn't Trump/Barr charge her? With anything?
  4. One year at the US Open, they gave out luggage tags with the athlete's last name on them. Dom ended up with one of Parris' and he got one of hers. I tracked him down and swapped him back. I should have kept that one...
  5. When did the Democrats ever refuse to give a SCOTUS nominee a vote for over a year to run out a Republican POTUS' time?
  6. Just imagine what your real time location data says about you to these firms? Add in everyone else's and think about what can be divined from this data set.
  7. I was talking about Chinese car manufacturers. Full on surveillance support for the Chinese government.
  8. Well, this makes a lot of sense. https://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2023/Items/Mar27-6.html Underlying poll https://centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/the-transformation-of-the-american-electorate/
  9. How to burn $24B in less than a year. https://www.engadget.com/elon-musk-reportedly-values-twitter-at-20-billion-200841233.html
  10. When you can't even manage to read the URL... https://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2023/03/26/the-return-of-crazy-town-00088865 How do you exchange gasses without external assistance?
  11. Also, it's not just TikTok. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/03/26/gettr-guo-wengui-social-media/
  12. The return of ‘crazy town’ https://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2023/03/26/the-return-of-crazy-town-00088865
  13. You should see what they build into their cars.
  14. Work through your hangover and try again.
  15. Well, we don't know until it happens, do we? The fact that the legal basis is removed is the point I was making.
  16. You're smarter than that. Do you really think Obergfell and Loving are off the table with the current GOP and SCOTUS?
  17. Obergfell and Loving had the same basis in an implicit right to privacy as Roe did. Hobbs takes away the precedent.
  18. Watch for Loving and Obergfell to fall next.
  19. The decision overturning Roe v Wade. Also, look up stare decisis.
  20. I'd take that further. The two party primary system is what's propelling more and more extreme candidates into office.
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