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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. I didn't look. All I can say is 'classy'...
  2. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/15/us-virgin-islands-issued-subpoena-to-elon-musk-in-jeffrey-epstein-case.html
  3. At least they're holding the women's trials in a high end facility...
  4. https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2023/May/15/Greco-Roman-seeds-set-for-Senior-World-Team-Trials-Challenge-Tournament
  5. If the locals fill it, they'll be lucky. If you had to count on out of towners, zero. State College, PA is hard to get to and expensive.
  6. The underlying court filing. https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/public/650033_2023_Noelle_Dunphy_v_Rudolph_W_Giuliani_et_al_COMPLAINT_10.pdf
  7. Women's seeds https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2023/May/15/WFS-seeds-World-Team-Trials-Challenge-Tournament Men's seeds https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2023/May/15/Mens-freestyle-seeds-set-for-Senior-World-Team-Trials-Challenge-Tournament
  8. It's reach is far more vast and it happens instantly.
  9. There's no agenda in showing that social media is making people more extreme in their views.
  10. Not at all. In the time prior to widespread social media deployment, if you had a violent weirdo in your town, you had one guy who might have his outlook ameliorated by interaction with the rest of the town. In social media today, this weirdo will find a like minded group of weirdos online who normalize and encourage his behavior as normal. Attitudes become entrenched like a religious cult. Anyone 'not of the body' is an enemy. Disagreeing with the group can easily lead to ostracization and expulsion. For many people this *is* their social group and removal would be emotionally difficult, so they bend the knee even though they have doubts. Add in the COVID period of isolation and these social media trends accelerated.
  11. Social media allows like minded people to find each other much more easily. Reinforcement of bad ideas is an inevitable outcome of such a system.
  12. E Jean Carroll's was a civil case, not a criminal case, so the burden of proof was 'preponderance of the evidence' and not 'beyond a reasonable doubt'. The SCOTUS requires state criminal trials to be unanimous(https://www.americanbar.org/groups/committees/death_penalty_representation/project_press/2020/summer/supreme-court-mandates-unanimity-in-state-criminal-trials/) The jury was selected from NYC residents because that was the venue. E Jean Carroll lives there, Donald Trump lived there, the sexual assault took place there. These are controlling elements in a court venue selection. Carroll testified as did several witnesses on her behalf. Trump refused to take the stand in his defense and his attorneys called no witnesses and offered no rebuttal. The defense rested after the prosecution rested. In wrestling terms, he forfeited the match. I suspect he's about to get slapped with another defamation case since he keeps running his piehole on his tiny social media site.
  13. https://twitter.com/i/status/1657803501496352771
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