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Jimmy Cinnabon

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Everything posted by Jimmy Cinnabon

  1. He's likely going to be a 4x champ but will not win a Hodge unless Spencer loses in the finals. Is he the best ever not to win a Hodge? I have to think yes since Cael, Dake and Stieber are all 4 timers who won at least 1 Hodge. Ruth and Nolf are two 3 timers who never won the Hodge.
  2. He's out unless Spencer takes a loss AND there are no undefeated NCAA champs.
  3. 125: Lee pins Medley 6-0 133: Ragusin dec Teske 6-3 141: Woods MAJ Mattin 10-3 149: Murin dec Lamer / Mayora 13-3 157: Lewan dec Siebrecht 13-6 165: Kennedy dec Amine 16-6 174: Brands dec Maylor 19-6 184: Finesilver dec Assad/Rhoades 19-9 197: Warner dec Yatooma 22-9 285: Parris dec Cassioppi 22-12
  4. So you contend most Iowa fans don't think Spencer Lee is the best wrestler of all time and don't have him as pick #1 to replace Brands?
  5. To be totally fair to Iowa fans, none of them are thinking that Spencer takes over as head coach or AD in the next 3-5 years. I think they are projecting more in the 8-10 year range. But yes, Spencer is literally a god to Iowa fans, so it's not crazy at all for them to want a 20-something or even early-30s sports GOD to be their next head coach or AD. For anyone who doesn't believe this logon to Hawkeye Report and start a poll asking "Who do you want to replace the Brands once they retire?" No doubt Spencer Lee will win with like 90% of the votes.
  6. Yup. I don't know why people think I am making these things up. It takes 5 minutes to read through one of the dozen Spencer Lee threads to verify that these sentiments are shared by a large portion of Hawkeye fans.
  7. Is this from the ADS RBY match? He's holding the shoe upside down and not bending the toe...so it makes me think this is not from that match.
  8. Lee, obviously has much better FS credentials. But Desanto just had an impressive win over Nashon Garrett. Lee has much more wear and tear on the knees while ADS didn't really sustain any major injuries in college. Lee has stated many times his goal was to win Olympic and Word Golds. But he also supposedly is next in line to be the next Iowa AD or Head Coach of the wrestling team. Desanto hasn't really stated his goals but he's pursuing freestyle seriously now it seems. I doubt he's going to end up in coaching given his demeanor. Factoring in all things, who do you think ends up having the better international career? Spencer or Austin?
  9. Yep. He’s like a foot taller than Max Dean.
  10. According to WrestleStat: https://www.wrestlestat.com/rankings/hodge 1. Spencer Lee 2. RBY (who according to Wrestlestat is somehow the #2 ranked 133 pounder -- Fix is #1 at 133) 3. O'Toole 4. Starocci 5. Fix 6. Parris 7. Robb 8. AOC 9. Carr 10. Woods
  11. During today’s Indiana match Starocci and Washington had a LOT of words as the match ended and needed multiple coaches from both sides to keep them from throwing hands. As he left he mat Starocci kept pointing at Washington and jawing. I was surprised by this display of poor sportsmanship by Carter because he’s usually so calm and collected. Wondering if anyone knows what is going on here?
  12. Starocci and Washington were ready to take it to the streets
  13. SVN's biggest issue is his attacks are too straight on
  14. Looking at the Hawkeye forum Iowa fans are absolutely eviscerating Jacob Warner. A fifth year senior who has given his all to the program, who a year ago was a national finalist, who will almost certainly become a 4x AA, is getting mercilessly picked apart by his supposed fans calling him a failure and a disgrace to the black and gold. Even as a Penn State fan it is hard to watch the viciousness. For what it’s worth I think he will place top 4 this year.
  15. One surprising conclusion drawn from last night's dual versus Ohio State is that the best wrestler on the team is RBY. He was dominant over a very game Jesse Mendez. Meanwhile both Starocci and Brooks looked vulnerable versus Ethan Smith and Kaleb Romero. They both could have easily lost. I think Starocci could lose to Labriola, Lewis, Foca and Smith. Brooks could lose to Keckeisen, Hidlay, Coleman (he's already lost to him this yhear) and Romero. By comparison I don't think RBY has a real threat at 133. He's already beaten Fix twice and I don't see Arujau, McGee, Phillippi or even Glory as serious challenges to RBY.
  16. Dean must be so strong because Hoffman looked bigger but was just overpowered
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