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Everything posted by PSULou64

  1. Maybe all time heel team is too hard, there aren't enough of us who know/remember guys from the 60's - early 90's. How about we try from the mid 90's and on? There are plenty of guys to choose from in the last 30 years anyway.
  2. I'm not saying he hasn't but to me it seems odd that for the emphasis he puts on it how little it translates to his wrestlers doing it. I feel like over the last few years high offense guys like Lee and Desanto are outliers and defensive, low scoring guys like Murin, Brands and Marinelli are the norm.
  3. Arnold is very put together but I wonder in matches where pace, conditioning and guys who actually shoot and require real defense against will be like. I also wonder how his bottom game actually is. I'm not saying that Starocci can't be beat or Keckeisen can't be, if he moves up to 184 for the good of the team, but those guys have motors unlike anyone else and are of a completely different caliber than what he's wrestled so far.
  4. Here are a couple of my thoughts: If this match were at Iowa and Iowa st. Wrestlers were as "passive" as the Iowa wrestlers. There would have about 30 stall calls during the match. A supposed #1/#2 wrestling a mid teen ranked wrestler should be considerably more dominant in their win. That doesn't mean the match can't be close in score but it should never be in doubt. Brands talked about going out there and scoring points but maybe he should give that speech to his wrestlers. You'd think the team would have the same style/aggressiveness as the coach but that is definitely not the case. The Iowa State coaches did not corner coach well. Dresser did not utilize the tools available to him to the benefit of his wrestlers. Whether a challenge is successful or not is sometimes immaterial if it creates other benefit to your guy.
  5. I know student drivers are necessary but I don't want to be in the car with them, or driving behind them going to the same place they are. In fact I'm only ok with them as long as they are going the opposite direction with a median in-between us.
  6. First of all I lost my feed on the BTN+ which really sucks. Secondly, where are these announcers coming from? I have been watching matches on BTN+ and ESPN+ and haven't heard anything remotely good from any of them. Check that, forget good, I'll take something that isn't nonsense at this point.
  7. This may be a bit off topic but it did happen at the meet so I'm going to bring it up. There was a video review that took an insane amount of time. During the Ohio State vs. Colombia meet the same thing happened as well. Each review had to take five minutes. It wasn't the officials issue either, it took them that long to find the right spot in the recording or some other technical problem. That kind of thing shouldn't happen at this level. It was pretty painful to watch.
  8. I wasn't going to comment on the commentators because I thought you all wouldn't appreciate bringing it up but now since it has been brought up..... It was really terrible. This is Iowa wrestling! You bring the best you can get, i literally cringed more times than I can remember and yelled at the TV at least a few times with some of the asinine things that were said during the broadcast. I'd rather have no commentary than whatever that hot mess was.
  9. I actually would like to see DII champions or DIII champions wrestle DI champs or AA's. I mean we will see the DI guys wrestle each other during the season, in tournaments or at the NCAA championships against each other. I may be alone in this by I think it would add a nice wrinkle.
  10. Ok, forgive me because of my lack of knowledge about professional wrestling but I have a question. If they feel that he doesn't have charisma can't they change his brand? What I mean is maybe the all American hero, wrestling champion thing doesn't work for him at that level? Maybe he pulls off a "villain" role better? Do they still do guys in masks like Mankind or Kane? It just feels like they/he are trying to use the wrestling he's really good at to boost and prop up the wrestling that maybe he isn't so good at? I think that's rubbing some people the wrong way a bit.
  11. I wrestled with three of the guys in that tournament from Blair in elementary and middle school. We all grew up together. It was tough losing them all to Blair instead of having them on our highschool team
  12. Even with all of that being said, winning there or losing there didn't necessarily guarantee anything. A kid from my high school in 1995 had taken 5th, 3rd, 2nd in NJ and then won the NHSCA tournament. He didn't even get to wrestle at the collegiate level. Could have been that he wasn't academically gifted and flunked out of junior college.... But still.
  13. You have to remember there were only a handful of high school level u.s. regional tournaments around and the NHSCA tournament was probably the most well known/only? national tournament. But that tournament originally, and correct me if I'm wrong, was only for high school Seniors after the high school season was over. Not just anyone could get into that one either, I think you had to be a top 3 placewinner from your state tournament. I could be very wrong but it's 35 years now since it has been running without pause and I can't find/remember all the guidelines. All that to say, it was very hard to know how good guys really were in the 80's, 90's and even early 2000's, especially if they came from states that weren't PA, CA, NY, NJ, Iowa, OK and a couple others.
  14. I was just wondering if anyone knows what's going on with Josiah?
  15. I may have an unpopular opinion on this but I don't think the NCAA should change their policy much in this. The issues that surround gambling are not a joke and to treat them as such are shortsighted and foolish. I don't like to see any student athlete punished but there have to be consequences to violations and repercussions for inappropriate behavior. In the case, of wrestling anything less than loss of post season eligibility isn't a penalty at all and make no sense.
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