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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. That may be but most will think you are a Penn state fan from it.
  2. Bo has turned heads. Can’t wait to see what he will do in the UFC. For a bit it seemed like there was a big pipeline into MMA from college wrestling. Perhaps I’m out of touch - but seems like the pipeline is low flow / erratic now. Who are the names we expect to jump to MMA from college wrestling in the next 3 or so years?
  3. The guy is tough, and — pretty freaking good at making money. He doesn’t deserve scorn …. He is an entertainer. He has attracted masses that willingly part with their money to watch what he is offering. Plenty of ‘the masses’ have enough disposable income to spend it on his product. Smart guy.
  4. Turkish Airlines has a lot of flights to Istanbul. Generally good prices. Also pulling for there.
  5. If we build it, perhaps they will come. This is a more natural place than an Indiana board. Nothing against Indiana!
  6. I was always amused by Troy’s pick of a hairstyle for this pic. I convinced myself that he lost a bet. Angela Landsbury is another good comparison.
  7. Kid who beat Karchla has a pedigree. Why have a wrestle off if it doesn’t mean much? Will be curious to see how this plays out. Now I just need to remember the guys name ….
  8. 95% of the time, I really enjoy listening to Ben. His attitude about coaching, his focus on mental aspects, his desire to focus on facts and data and being willing to admit errors. Good sense of humor. Incredible wrestler. Seems like a sharp guy. His speculation with Crypto and desire to get people, who really don’t understand it, to put money into it, goes counter to the sense of moral courage he seems to champion. You can’t shill speculative investments to the masses and look yourself in the mirror and say ‘I’m doing the right thing for society.’ So that confuses me. As does his willingness to jump on conspiracy bandwagons with little hard evidence and court after court calling BS - never seeming to pause and say hey .. am I an objective critical thinker or simply a semi-blind believer in what I want to believe? That also flies in the face of the intelligent and deep thinker I hear on Flo. He is an enigma. I guess I will continue to enjoy his takes on wrestling and athletics. Really enjoy it. Need to buy his book. Anyone read it yet? Thoughts?
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