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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Because he is a reliable D vote. No need to help a guy that will do that. Use him until he is spent and then discard him for someone else. Compassionate they are not. mspart
  2. We had squatters in a house down the street from here. Pretty sad that you can't just have them removed. So then the property you pay the utilities for and property taxes for is not your property any longer. And when the time comes that they leave and you can enter, you likely have a whole lot of mess to clean up. Hopefully it was not turned into a meth lab during that time. mspart
  3. Yes, this is great. Poor kid with the palsy. I feel for him. The kid in blue could have been a jerk but as the title said, he was raised right. mspart
  4. What would be more instructive is to take the budget and see where the cuts can be made. 2023, we are projected to take in $4.8T in revenue. Is there no way possible to live within that amount? Of course there is but no one wants to make that decision. Just spend more and more and you get to where we are now. It makes everyone feel good to spend more, but the time comes where that isn't possible anymore. We are ruining our currency to the point that the world wants another default currency and are looking to China. That's certainly something we don't want. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/05/16/china-yuan-renminbi-us-dollar-currency-trade/ mspart
  5. No, but the burden on people is high currently. Taxes on businesses is paid for by the consumer. So the average Joe gets hit in an invisible way. Taxes are high enough. We need to live within what we have. There is no reason for the US Government to require more money that we currently bring in. Reign in spending and start paying down the debt. That is how anyone else in the world has to do it. It makes fiscal sense and is prudent where we have not been prudent at all over the last 40 years. And don't give Clinton as an example, the voters called him on his plans and voted in R majorities and they enforced fiscal discipline on Clinton where he didn't have that as his plan initially. We needed more of this after that but didn't get it. Biden and the D majorities in Congress exacerbated the problem with the huge increases in spending which spawned the inflation we are living under. I'm not saying Trump and the Rs were fiscally responsible either. They weren't. But this effort is long overdue. mspart
  6. This is THE reason to get spending under control and pay down the debt. The interest on the debt alone is a huge portion of the federal budget. mspart
  7. Integrated circuits? Just a guess. mspart
  8. https://gazette.com/news/2-colorado-springs-councilmembers-targets-of-recall-effort/article_5b67f388-24a3-11ed-a10c-03e5a6de0986.html 2 Colorado Springs councilmembers targets of recall effort Residents launched an effort Thursday to recall Colorado Springs City Councilmembers Wayne Williams and Stephannie Fortune. Organizer John Pitchford said Williams' recent appearance in a public service announcement about the security of elections with Secretary of State Jena Griswold was the "tipping point" that prompted the recall effort. Williams is running for mayor of Colorado Springs in April and the group does not want to see him gain the seat given his record, Pitchford said. "So far we are getting good response. ... I anticipate a lot of support for this movement," said Pitchford about the effort that sent out emails asking for donations and volunteers Thursday. The campaign is in the petition collection phase. The public service announcement that stopped running this week was criticized for using just over $1 million in federal election assistance funds to air 15- and 30-second versions of the ads statewide for two weeks on broadcast, cable and streaming platforms, Colorado Politics previously reported. Williams, a former Republican secretary of state, appeared with Griswold in the ads aimed at promoting trust in the elections process. Griswold, a Democrat, beat Williams in the race for the statewide seat in 2018. Were these two being recalled in Colorado Springs and opposed because they are black? That must be the reason right? They cannot stand a black man being elected. Obviously that is not what this is about. Read the posted article. This was not about race but about conduct. If we want to play the race game, we need to be consistent. Perhaps these two identify as black and people didn't like that. Or perhaps their politics was out of touch with the locals. The simple solution of race baiting is old and tired. I don't know anyone that would oppose a person strictly based on race. I have never run into anyone with that mindset. I wouldn't associate with people of that mindset. I oppose candidates on political philosophy or unbecoming conduct. Period. So far I have read nothing untoward about the new CS mayor. mspart
  9. So what is wrong with less spending that you find so distasteful? Taking covid funds that are no longer needed and not spending that seems like a good thing. Reducing spending is a good budgetary move. As you can see, the stock market responded favorably to the "caving" of Biden. Biden doesn't have the votes in the Senate to get a clean debt ceiling bill with no other qualifiers. His hands are really quite tied. Based on what the American people apparently want, not including you, negotiations must be held in curbing spending as a qualification for debt ceiling being raised. He is not caving to the R's, but to the American people. They are who he is supposed to cave to. It just so happens that the Rs are speaking most American's language on this issue. Biden has not been and has been woefully out of touch. mspart
  10. That would be an interesting bet if I was a betting man. It looks like he won a fair election. To recall, doesn't there need to be a reason like malfeasance or something? Or can the losers try to recall what the majority did. I know that happened in 2017-2021 with Trump, those wascally Ds just couldn't accept that he was legitimately elected. But wait, when there is a question on if a D was legitimately elected, there is a hue and a cry about election deniers wah wah wah. Ds are so hypocritical it is not even funny. I hope this new mayor is a boon to CS. mspart
  11. Le Duke, Perhaps they have not read this? I don't know, don't live anywhere close. But a mayor's race causing people to say they will move to another state seems extreme. Maybe to another city. Hopefully he is what he says he is above. If not and misrepresented himself, then maybe they would be justified in their opinion. mspart
  12. That was the point of showing the polling on this. His position would have worked with D majority in the House. But the Rs put together a package and it sounds like a reasonable approach to most Americans. It's tough for the Pres to ignore that. mspart
  13. Well, perhaps a slightly less sane compromise would be spending cuts. Oh, that's what the House has passed. mspart
  14. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ab-inbev-stock-drops-as-analysts-look-for-stabilization-in-bud-light-sales-declines-181740395.html AB InBev stock drops as analysts look for 'stabilization' in Bud Light sales declines Shares of Bud Light's parent company Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD) are down 7.6% since it reported earnings May 4. Shares of Bud Light parent company Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD) are down 7.6% since the company reported earnings May 4 as the Dylan Mulvaney controversy continues to weigh on the beer giant's sales. Bud Light sales during the week of May 6 declined 23.6% compared to the same time period last year, according to data from Bump Williams Consulting and Nielsen NIQ cited by Evercore ISI. That's a slightly larger decline than the prior week ending April 29, which saw Bud Light sales down 23.4% year-over-year. Following the initial boycott, sales were down 6.9% for the week ending April 8. It's the fourth straight week of declining sales for Bud Light — and comes after Mulvaney, a transgender influencer and TikTok personality, made an Instagram post during March Madness basketball endorsing the beer. The hurt continues. And it is across the AB product line. Not good news for AB or Inbev. mspart
  15. I think this is something interesting to look into. Right now, it is next to impossible to get a person committed. Thanks Theo! mspart
  16. Sounds like Colorado Springs made a good choice. Hopefully so. mspart
  17. https://www.independentnews.com/news/national/poll-majority-of-americans-want-spending-cuts-included-in-debt-ceiling-deal/article_7299b979-bc9c-5b4c-8bee-4e8512a01eee.html Poll: Majority of Americans want spending cuts included in debt ceiling deal In a national survey of 2,000 people conducted by McLaughlin and Associates over a four-day period beginning on May 4, nearly 61% of voters polled agreed with the statement that “House Republicans have done their jobs and passed a responsible debt ceiling increase, now President Biden and Senate Democrats must do their job and negotiate a compromise. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-debt-ceiling-kevin-mccarthy-poll-government-spending-1798339 An exclusive poll conducted on behalf of Newsweek by Redfield & Wilton Strategies of 1,500 U.S. adults found that half think that the government is spending too much, while the same amount would like to see the debt ceiling raised but with commitments to spending cuts. https://www.mdjonline.com/neighbor_newspapers/news/national/poll-majority-of-americans-want-spending-cuts-included-in-debt-ceiling-deal/article_ecae05f9-d795-50a2-adfc-fb6c6af203c9.html Poll: Majority of Americans want spending cuts included in debt ceiling deal An overwhelming number of voters say that President Joe Biden should compromise with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to cut government spending as part of a deal to raise the U.S. debt ceiling, according to a new poll commissioned by America’s New Majority Project. In a national survey of 2,000 people conducted by McLaughlin and Associates over a four-day period beginning on May 4, nearly 61% of voters polled agreed with the statement that “House Republicans have done their jobs and passed a responsible debt ceiling increase, now President Biden and Senate Democrats must do their job and negotiate a compromise. It looks like Pres Biden is listening to the American People by caving to the Rs and negotiating regarding spending cuts to go along with a debt ceiling increase. Good for him. mspart
  18. May I repeat myself. Trump should not be running for Prez and I don't want him running for Prez. He is toxic. I don't think Biden is the #1 danger to democracy, but I believe cultural things going on are. In addition, public apathy towards government is probably #2 danger to democracy. mspart
  19. How does "don't exist while gay" enter into the issue with the teacher? mspart
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