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Everything posted by mspart

  1. This is an interesting question. Is it possible? I suppose if a third party candidate could grab some electoral votes that would put a kink in the details. But barring that, it this even possible? I'm guessing there is a Constitutional measure that has been agreed on. They probably get all the electors together and have a closed door session and get them to vote again. I don't know for sure but I'd guess this has been thought about and there is a procedure to figure it out. mspart
  2. Bill Maher told Biden to embrace his age. Make it a central theme. The problem with Joe is that he is off and on. Sometimes he looks ok. Most times he looks way below ok. Ds need another candidate. mspart
  3. I don't think this is stated correctly. SCOTUS did not address this to Trump, it was a general decision made necessary by a very particular issue. The decision says states don't have the prerogative to keep Presidential and other federal candidates off their ballots. That is a federal issue that Congress has the prerogative to deal with. They pretty much took this issue away from States. CO and MN have it in their faces. But we hadn't had such a decision so it is good that we have this clarification. And it was unanimous. Although there was a dissent of sorts. mspart
  4. OK, so the last chance is after Oly trials. I hear by just a couple of weeks. That could be tough. But the winners for those two weights will have their work cut out for them. I also understand I may be ahead with naming S Lee etc. Yes, there is a process. I have no idea who will be our Oly trials winners but I do know it will be a barn burner. mspart
  5. Now it is a battle for our lightweights. This is not good. What are the rules for sending someone to the last chance? mspart
  6. Well, that means Zane should have wrestled last week and S Lee this week. Looks like Lee is going to the last chance unless something drastic happens. Who goes in place of Nick Lee? This is serious now! Everyone thought this was no big deal. But a big deal it has become. mspart
  7. Any more useless than to title a thread with words that contradict the known facts of the autopsy results? Death was not due to trauma or a beating in the bathroom. mspart
  8. He knows what kind of prep work he needs to do. Full time job. Starting now. He barely squeaked to Gold last time. He needs to be better than that to ensure success. mspart
  9. Well, it sounds like an uphill battle at 65. Whoever gets the call needs to go in guns blazing. mspart
  10. Has anyone noticed how much better Venezuela is doing in wrestling that past results would suggest. Pan Am Championships 57 - Silver 74 - Bronze 86 - Silver 97 - Bronze 125 - Bronze Pan Am OG 74 - Semifinal 86 - Semifinal 97 - Fighting for semifinal spot 125 - Fighting for semifinal spot I just don't remember them being all that proficient in wrestling. Times they are a changing. mspart
  11. Sounds like it was more of a comment on him then eh? mspart
  12. Or Pres Biden dissing half the country every chance he gets. Its what they do. I would not call trans people filth. I am not that way. They are people who need help. Desperately. That is my view. mspart
  13. That's not what the FBI and Comey said. They just didn't prosecute here like they would have anyone else. You are still in the tank for her. mspart
  14. Is that more of a comment on me or you? mspart
  15. So how do you qualify at the last chance? I thought you had to win, but someone here thought top 3. So what is the real deal? mspart
  16. 65KG again is up in the air and hanging in the balance. Zane has to beat Darion Cruz to get 57 qualified but, what is with 65? Failed last Olys and now so far again. Both by PSU wrestlers. At the last chance, you have to win it correct? I agree that Lee did not look great. He got taken down too handily, did not maintain good positioning against Gomez. Nothing against Gomez, that was a heck of a match he wrestled there. mspart
  17. He has the ropes whip down now, but that won't help him much. He could do a pile driver but would probably get DQd doing that. And flying off the post is just not going to happen. I assume that was the repertoire you were talking about. mspart
  18. This is true. https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-by-country/ So China is twice the emitter of the USA. We are #1 and #2 but it isn't really close. China emits the amount of the next 4 or 5 highest emitters. China and India emit as much as the the US plus then next 15 highest polluters. Their impact is tremendous right? But if they do something, and no one else does, does it help? If we do something and no one else does, does it help. But without them there will be no progress for sure. As you can see, the US has done quite a bit in reducing emissions. We are at 1989 levels. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/CHN/china/carbon-co2-emissions You can see China has not decreased their emissions at all. I just googled these and found some interesting data. mspart
  19. Can you feel the love tonight? blah blah blah blah blah. Biden must be feeling very welcomed. mspart
  20. This statement does not give me confidence in your position. You don't even know when it is happening, last few centuries or last few decades. Nail it down man. FWIW - It would be better if we could stop with internal combustion engines. We need another kind of engine that is powerful enough to do what we need and safe and reliable. Hydrogen fuel cells are pretty safe but we haven't gone that direction. One needs to ask why not? It may be that it is expensive to get hydrogen in the kinds of quantities needed. Storage of hydrogen is problematic - Hindenburg for instance. But I'm sure that is a direction that should be explored more rather than going headlong into the unknown and calling that the panacea that it isn't. EVs are not ready but hybrids are. Hybrid cars and trucks would do a lot to save on emissions, giving time for other alternatives in the future. This needs to be led by thinking and rational people, not politicians with no idea of how to make it happen. Declaring ICE cars will no longer be sold by 2030 or something artificial like that gives us the worst of possible scenarios. Clinging to one supposed solution to the exclusion of many others is also not a rational and thoughtful way to go. I am not against it. I am just not going to get on a bandwagon saying humanity is the cause with the ultimate solution being the elimination of many humans. I agree with Cliff Mass, the climatologist I cited. We are the solution, there is no existential crisis now and in a number of years there will be technology that will be able to reverse the trend. We are seeing small nuclear reactors that are safe and manageable, we are seeing natural gas with its abundant energy and low emission output that should be utilized more, we are seeing solid state battery technology doing amazing things, we have hydrogen fuel cells that are not being utilized to much of any degree. Fusion energy is on the horizon, maybe more distant but I think that is an area worth exploring. I'm not against these things. They are fascinating. I just am not hysterical over the global warming thing. I believe answers to emissions are coming. The solutions du jour are not solutions. Wind and solar that are completely unreliable necessitating blackouts or brownouts. Can we not see that this is not progress? EVs that have limited range and you have to get a hotel to go on a cross country trip just to recharge? That is not progress. Not being able to travel cross country is not progress either. These things are not solutions, they are handcuffs. We don't need handcuffs, we need objective and well thought out solutions. Not kneejerk reactions. mspart
  21. I don't expect it which is why I wrote it. It would be the sane thing for them to do. Hamas has brought them untold horror in life and they do not like Hamas particularly, but would vote for them anyway, if Hamas either gave a vote or were eradicated creating a vacuum so a vote was necessary. I was pointing out the incredible opportunity those people have over there but will not take advantage of it. They could have a much better life but not with a corrupt war mongering machine that is Hamas. Hamas has taken all the aid and not given it to the people, they have not developed their own water, fuel, or electrical systems. They have not developed anything other than tunnels and hiding munitions among the people, and lining their own pockets. Hamas is as corrupt as any corrupt government. The people of Gaza should be able to recognize this and take measures to rid themselves of it. But they won't. But it would be the sane thing to do in an insane part of the world. https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/polls-show-majority-gazans-were-against-breaking-ceasefire-hamas-and-hezbollah Polls Show Majority of Gazans Were Against Breaking Ceasefire; Hamas and Hezbollah Unpopular Among Key Arab Publics https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514 Palestinian poll shows a rise in Hamas support and close to 90% wanting US-backed Abbas to resign The first was after the Oct 7 massacre. The second was in Dec. No they won't turn on Hamas, but they should. Do you not agree? mspart
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