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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Harris has already run for President. She was out before primary voting began with 0% support. She was dumb then. If your statement is true, then she has gotten even dumber. Which is possible I guess. mspart
  2. The distinction that you are making here is between legal migrants and illegal migrants. You want to believe that all people coming to the US are legal migrants or just migrants, but that is not the actual case. The difference is between those that came with the express good wishes of US Law and those that didn't. No one wants to keep legal migrants out of the country. Immigration laws already account for these people. Most everyone wants to keep illegal migrants out of the country. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/07/state-of-the-union-2024-where-americans-stand-on-the-economy-immigration-and-other-key-issues/ It can be easily argued that the yellow box and the red arrows are greatly related. Reduce illegal immigration, you will reduce crime. Maybe just a little but it will reduce it. Without so many kids in the schools, education will improve. Without so many illegal migrants using hte health care system, that will reduce health care costs. And closing the border will reduce the danger of terrorism. Many terrorists have been caught. How many haven't been caught with this porous border? Reducing illegal drugs is a big issue. Closing the border would help with this. Your position is not based on any fact, law or common sense. You deny there is common sense so you are against facts and the law. I rebut you on this, but with no hope that you will read this or actually admit your error. You will just keep on posting your erroneous emotional diatribes here that have nothing to do with fact and law (or common sense for that matter). To continually do so is proof of your empty rhetoric. mspart
  3. Trillion per month?!?!?! I can see per year, but per month. That's 12 trillion per year. At 8% that's 100 Trilliion in debt. I guess we are heading there but in 10 years? That should wake someone up. mspart
  4. True. How do you eliminate Tik Tok in the US? You can make it illegal to provide the app from an app store. But with VPN, anyone can go anywhere and get the app no problem. There is no stopping it, you have to bankrupt them. I'm not sure forcing a sale is any better, but at least it wouldn't be China. Of course, a case could be made that China derives very little of value from Tik Tok since there is nothing of value on that platform. mspart
  5. RV has been on this for quite some time. He want's more money to the government. More and more. He never talks about controlling spending. The problem here is that not all spending is good. There are a lot of spending that is non productive. And then there is waste that for some reason, they cannot account for. All of that needs to be eliminated. Everyone's budget could be cut by 10% right now and no one would know the difference if they eliminate waste. That would easily handle the problem. I remember a conversation with Ray Brinzer on some other wrestling board and he posited that generally speaking, and this was some time ago, that the amount of income this year, could have paid for the budget 2 years ago. So if that is true, then we are not far off. I think the situation has changed so that this is not the case anymore. But every year, more money comes into the government. They are already getting more and more. Reduce actual spending 1% every year and things will level out fairly quickly. Again, this was some time ago. But the principle is the same. Reduce spending. Period. Taking more and more with no limit on spending will result in no difference in deficit. mspart
  6. I looked this up and cannot find any wrestling results for Liz Taylor. I'd say above is a true statement!! mspart
  7. Not if you prosecute heavily. I take that back. They will still occur for sure. But the rate and numbers will decrease immensely as most perps will be in jail. And they will continually decrease as they continually prosecuted. Crime went down in the 90's adn 2000's when there was a tough on crime stance generally in the US. After George Floyd and the defunding of cops movement, crime has skyrocketed as no one is seriously held accountable for their actions. Crime will continue to rise until prosecutions happen and we quit blaming cops for everything. mspart
  8. Yeah seriously. Illegal entry to the US? No problem. Shoplifting? No problem. Assault while being a member of a protected class? No problem. Car jacking? No problem mostly. mspart
  9. Here is an interesting note. Thugs go from FL to NY because if they do their thuggery in FL, they go to jail. As a result, there seems to be less thuggery in FL. mspart
  10. I had it once in Jr high. I loved it. Haven't had any since. Sorry no pics. I wish I could help. mspart
  11. Yes, nex's head did not apparently get bashed in. Preliminary autopsy results showed death was not a result of trauma. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/22/nex-benedict-case-oklahoma/72695904007/ As police continued Thursday to probe the death of an Oklahoma teen who died a day after being involved in a fight that broke out in a high school bathroom, authorities announced a preliminary autopsy showed the student's death was not the result of "trauma." In fact her death was by suicide. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nex-benedict-suicide-death-oklahoma-student-lgbtq-rcna143298 The medical examiner’s report listed probable cause of death as “combined toxicity” from two drugs, one of which is available over the counter and the other by prescription. So there goes the theory that Nex was bashed to death. Unfortunately for her, she took her own life either on purpose or by accident. That is a tragedy in and of itself. But to her death being ascribed with her being beaten is false. Now the bathroom incident could have had a hand in her decision to take those drugs, or not, but it was not the cause of death. mspart
  12. NPS isn't bad. But other than that, the Feds waste a lot of money. mspart
  13. It should be obvious by now that Biden could care less about the border. He just doesn't want it to become a campaign issue. Well he is just too late for that. It is a major campaign issue. He created this and will suffer because of this. mspart
  14. I'm talking about TPT. He feigns concern for Nex but that's it. The MI AG is livid about this and wants the perp on trial as an adult. Hopefully the victim recovers fully and has no serious life altering physical or mental effects from this. mspart
  15. What do you take away from a white house aid saying we gotta get rid of Kamala and Joe surely is slowing down? To me it says the white house is concerned about Kamala staying on the ticket and obviously knowing Biden is in decline, serious decline. In other words, they are lying through their teeth about both. mspart
  16. Yes, lets do the latter. Keep the former to a minimum. mspart
  17. What about the thousands of kids that are beaten in school? Where is the sympathy for them? Where is the sympathy for the girl that got her head bashed in on the sidewalk in a brutal attack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyYzvFtNXs4 Oh yeah, it was only a white girl that got bashed and a black girl that did the bashing. No need to look further into that. And that there reflects the hypocrisy of identity politics. mspart
  18. I take that back. That was an old result. He took 5th this year at 65. mspart
  19. And everyone else's as well. It does mine. TPT talks about monsters. This is the monster of all time. A way to ruin children, make money, and leave devastation in your wake. mspart
  20. Wow, CNN was forced to backtrack quite a bit!! Stunning that they did so. Good for them. mspart
  21. And here you are again TPT asking the stupidest questions feigning ignorance of the immigration laws that are on the books in this country. It is a stupid game you play. Spencer Lee pinned his opponent - TPT says - how do you know that? Under which rules did he do that? I demand that you answer my questions on this controversy. I demand you answer all of my stupid idiotic questions because I have a right to ask them. Well you don't have a right to the response you get when you do so. Play the fool if you want but that is on you. mspart
  22. Who is he being more humane to? He has countless homeless US citizens roaming the city streets. He has added millions of illegals to that number. How is that being humane? They cannot work because they are illegal. And how is this being humane to the rest of us that have to pay for this. We didn't ask for it but we get to pay for it. Again, how is this humane to anyone? mspart
  23. Ah, that is the question. He said it was debunked so it must be believed that it was debunked. See how that works? Again, he is not interested in having a conversation. He is interested in diverting the topic to other realms and seems to derive pleasure in doing so and derives pleasure at creating a situation where others get upset at him for doing so. Everything he accuses anyone of doing or being is pure projection. That is just the way it is. mspart
  24. Well, that was last century. mspart
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