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Everything posted by mspart

  1. And it has been since 2006 or whenever they got the vote. Hamas has never done right by the people they govern. That is clear by the conditions in which they live. With all the foreign aid that has been given them, they should be self sufficient. They are not and are actually dependent on Israel for fuel, electricity, and water. Its amazing that Israel has not just shut those things off in the past when rockets came their way. mspart
  2. Essentially braves - I think most people want an immigration policy like the one not being enforced at the moment. Where the immigrants are vetted as being good people, and having some skills that the US is in need of. Just bringing in people to bring in people does not get you there. We need targeted immigration like the law says and unlike what has been happening for the last 3 years that the Ds are now crying about and want to blame on the Rs. This is a D manufactured problem and they need to fix it. Biden did it by EO and he can fix it by EO. Pretty easy. He doesn't need anymore authority. He doesn't need any more money. He doesn't need the ability to allow 1.8 million into the country and call them legal. He needs to enforce the law as written. That's all he needs to do. It really is quite simple. mspart
  3. But JBT, you just don't understand. It just can't be done, do you not understand that? No matter how many examples you provide, it just can't be done. It doesn't matter that people have done it. It just can't be done. mspart
  4. Kamala - He he he, thank you all for that applause for me. Thank you thank you thank you. Now, this is the State of the Union speech, for those not aware he he he, and in this speech, I will be talking about the state of the union and where I want the state of the union to be and where the state of the union will move forward with my guidance. Let me just say that when preparing this state of the union speech, I looked deeply at the state of the union and thought very hard how I could make you understand that the state of this union is for real. With that said, The state of this union is really good because I'm President he he he he he. And being President on this state of the union speech night is one of the dreams I've had at every state of the union address since I was 3, yes, 3 years old. Yes, I knew when I was 3 years old, that I wanted to be President someday and look - Here I am giving the state of the union address, he he he he he. When I was 3 I dreamed of becoming President because I knew in my heart I could do it better than any white person, because I am a person of color whose ancestors owned slaves, isn't that ironic he he he he he. I am black but my ancestors owned people like me. And the state of the union is just that. It is about knowing who we are and who we were, and who we will become through our children and their children. And our children are our future. And that future is about learning - The Cameraman falls asleep and disconnects the feed so unfortunately we will not be able to hear anymore more of this riveting speech. mspart
  5. For me, this is not about Spencer Lee. It is about a bad singlet design. And that is it. mspart
  6. He can't. He's just going off again with unsubstantiated lies that he hopes won't get noticed. It's his Schtick. Say something provocative to get a reaction. He desperately wants to be relevant but just can't let go of his irrational leftist rhetoric to be objective, even for a few minutes. Kidnapping is a case in point. mspart
  7. Impeach with no hope of conviction? Waste of time. Hopefully he will drop out of the race. The impeachment against Trump was similarly a waste of time. The Senate was not going to convict. mspart
  8. Just an example of the left eating their own. AOC figured she was immune because she is on the correct side of things. But the left just keeps going more and more extreme and it is hard to keep up and just an assumption of non compliance is brutally enforced. AOC just learned that lesson. mspart
  9. They have to not give their permission to be kidnapped. But they did. Each one. You are just so out there. Must be fun in la la land. mspart
  10. The left eating their own. mspart
  11. I've thought that too DD. Either direction. However if Kamala is VP, that might temper the mood for that. By the way, welcome to the boards!! mspart
  12. So that makes it better? Mine started when inflation became a thing. Yours started when it was not even contemplated as being able to happen. No less real for the average Joe or Jane. My guess is that if you said to them that their wages are greater than inflation they would beg to differ. That is pointed out in what I presented. mspart
  13. https://www.bankrate.com/banking/federal-reserve/wage-to-inflation-index/ This says different. Not saying it is right and you are wrong. There may be different interpretations. mspart
  14. What does this mean? You are not interested in how a term is defined but then argue about accuracy? You are way out there man. WAY OUT THERE! mspart
  15. And all these increases continually add to the cost. No mention of deflation so the food prices have not come down. So they grew by year from 2020, 3.5%, 3.9%, 11.4%, 5.0%. So they grew 3.5%, then that increased cost was increased by 3.9%, and that was increased the next year by 11.4% and that was increased in 2023 by 5%. Add all those up and they become very big in a compounding way. mspart
  16. So I guess we'll stay with the numbers quoted. mspart
  17. https://www.koco.com/article/nex-benedict-death-autopsy-oklahoma/46987362 Owasso police released preliminary information from a completed autopsy conducted by the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner's Office, saying it indicated that Benedict did not die as a result of trauma. On Feb. 21, the Owasso Police Department said while the investigation continues, "preliminary information from the medical examiner’s office is that a complete autopsy was performed and indicated that the decedent did not die as a result of trauma." The official autopsy report will be released at a later date. Police added that other comments on the cause of death are pending until toxicology results and other ancillary testing results come back. To answer your first question, the complete autopsy report has not been released. But the autopsy was completed and found death due to trauma did not happen. If that is incorrect, certainly the medical examiner would have corrected the issue by saying they did not come to that conclusion. They have not. The rest of your argument is moot. You being interested notwithstanding. Your accusation is not even close which you would know if you read my earlier post. Just look up there a little ways and you'll find it. You are dead wrong about my feelings on this topic. Some poor soul died and it was not from trauma from a bathroom melee. I can be sad about the death and understand that it was not due to the fight. You should be able to do so as well. mspart
  18. TPT, you don't seem to understand that as costs rise (taxes, cost of product, cost of employment, cost of perqs, cost of maintenance, cost of capital, etc), prices rise to cover those costs. It is simple Econ 101. Thank your buddy Biden for the inflation rather than rail on those that are reacting to it. To be fair, Trump has some culpability too, but Biden poured gas on that fire with this big spending in 2021. Profit margin is a real thing. And people are used to making a certain profit margin. More comes in, profit margin stays the same, more is made. Simple math. mspart
  19. Possibly. You tell us Mr Smart guy. mspart
  20. What does encounter mean and what happens to those people that were encountered? It seems to me that those encountered are allowed to continue into the interior which is why NYC, Chicago, and DC are screaming. mspart
  21. Due to inflation, costs for everything is going up. Food is included in everything. Inflation was at 7-9% last year. So prices rose at that rate and we still don't have inflation tamed and that continues the increase. mspart
  22. That is interesting DD. I couldn't find the alternative ways of getting to a Pres and VP due to a weird paywall advertisement, but very interesting. mspart
  23. He jumped on the bandwagon like we all do from time to time. But after the autopsy showed trauma was not the cause of death, he should acknowledge that. I don't think he has yet. He is apparently still hoping that it was a death by beatdown. mspart
  24. The text of Section 3 of Amendment 14. Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. Interesting that it is particular in the electors of President or VP, but both of those offices are not to be found in this section. From the SCOTUS decision: For the reasons given, responsibility for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates rests with Congress and not the States. The judgment of the Colorado Supreme Court therefore cannot stand. So SCOTUS did not aim this decision at Presidential candidates. But it did state that a state has no responsibility for enforcing Amendment 14 section 3, it rests with Congress. But in doing so, it implies that President and VP positions are included in Section 3 because this ruling, strictly speaking, applies to the situation with Trump. So that would be new doctrine for the US. So in view of that, this is a momentous decision. mspart
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