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Everything posted by mspart

  1. USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA,USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA. I'm rooting for the USA in this game against Iran. I would rather we get to the final rather than Iran. Period. I do the same when we wrestle them. mspart
  2. I'm a Bama fan through and through. Grew up there and they have always been my team. But they should not go ahead of anyone there currently. Those two losses were completely avoidable if Bama played like Bama. They did not. Even in their win over Auburn, defense did not look that great. Offense looked better but not stellar. Doesn't take much to beat Auburn this year. Plus the refs gave them a break and that was one touchdown at the end of the first half. I was hopeful, but not anymore. Bama is out, and deservedly so. But they won the Iron Bowl. mspart
  3. Hey, good to hear from you!! Yes, he has shown that he is good, but I don't think he would be nearly in contention in the pros. mspart
  4. Thank you, we did. I hope you did too. We smoked our turkey and my wife doesn't want to cook turkey any other way from now on. mspart
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/57581270 According to incomplete data released by the FBI, violent crime fell by an estimated 1% in 2021 compared with the previous year. However, the number of murders increased by more than 4%. The fall in violent crime was largely driven by a drop of nearly 9% in the robbery rate over that period. There are questions about the reliability of the FBI's crime report as it excluded data from some of the biggest US cities, including New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. It's important to point out that last year, the FBI switched to a new data collection system. According to one analysis, nearly 40% of law enforcement agencies have failed to report their 2021 crime figures - so we may only have a partial picture of the most recent crime rates. If you are counting on the FBI for your crime statistics, their info is woefully incomplete as I noted before. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/07/business/retail-theft-shoplifting-robbery/index.html Perhaps you think shoplifting is not a crime. As noted earlier, Target lost 400 million and expects to lose 600 million next year due to shoplifting. Shoplifting has been increasing, not decreasing. The question is, is it reported? Uwajimaya in Seattle (this is a Japanese/Asian/Hawaiian grocery store), was getting shoplifted and would report it and there would be no response because the city won't prosecute shoplifting that results in under $125. So they quit reporting it. Does that mean the shoplifting has stopped? No. But that means that it goes unreported because the authorities won't do anything about it. https://mynorthwest.com/1538741/uwajimaya-seattle-prolific-offenders/ And hence crime rates are going down. mspart
  6. Ever heard Creepin' by Grand Funk? Great track on their We're an American Band album. mspart
  7. So they will no longer all be joined? I like the GR WFS MFS joint program. Spokane is nice, not really easy to get to like Vegas. mspart
  8. That's where they start for sure. But once the new season starts, current results should have more weight, don't you think? If not, what would it take to get Yianni to not be rated #1? 2 big losses? 3? 4?. Because he is a 3 time champion, does that trump current results? Once the season starts, last season is last season - in the past. That's all. mspart
  9. It would seem that Gable was a master of getting the very best of his wrestlers. He could see what needed tweeking. I think Cael and Casey have that same ability and take great recruits and make them unstoppable. Cael's brother Cody also seems to be very good. mspart
  10. So Sasso doesn't have the rubber knee thing mastered like Kolat? True master that one. mspart
  11. If you are 0-1, and your loss is not slim, then it seems to me that being #1 is out of the question. But these things have a way of working themselves out. If Yianni is truly #1, which I have no doubt about, he'll be so rated in not much time. But how can you be rated #1 with one loss, no wins, and the loss was not trivial. The strength of the past 3 seasons? I was especially impressed with Yianni's fortitude to win his first national championship on a torn ACL. True grit. But that was then. If he still has that grit, this loss will inspire him. mspart
  12. Yianni didn't lose a close one with this. It was 9-3 if I remember and he was owned during that match. IMHO, you don't remain #1 when you lose 9-3 to someone. Maybe if he lost 5-4 or some other close score, but this wasn't close. Gomez took it to him and now everyone knows Yianni is vulnerable. Like everyone else. mspart
  13. Still in HS and won Bill Farrell beating a guy who beat Amine? If he doesn't make noise, that will be a missed opportunity. Good luck to Brayden! mspart
  14. I was at Pan Ams in Winnipeg in 1999. Just before that I was at the WTT and Vet Nationals in Seattle in 1999. So I saw the team made and saw their first international competition that year. That was fun. mspart
  15. SF just got rid of their prosecutor because he was not prosecuting. Was he kicked out because there was no crime to prosecute or was he kicked out because there was crime he was not prosecuting? I live in a Seattle Suburb, no crime affected me yet. But that is not the case in Seattle and in the area generally. Wanting to excuse crime is wrong. There is an uptick in crime and it can be ignored and it will continue to climb until it is not ignored. Unfortunately, before that happens someone will get a gun and take care of things him/herself. Not what we want I think we can all agree. mspart
  16. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/murder-homicide-rate Murder rate in 2020 is the highest it has been since 1997 except for one year in 2001. From 2018 to 2019 it upticked a little. from 2019 to 2020, it upticked a lot, by 28.6%. That is the highest rate change since 1990 where the chart stops. That is not an anecdote. mspart
  17. Don't do Twitter. I don't think it is good. Regarding Lightfoot, I think it was a figurative call to arms, rather than a call to use guns. She doesn't believe in guns being the mayor of Chicago and such. mspart
  18. If you read carefully, I have listed items from all over the country. Not just my neck of the woods. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/27/1131825858/us-crime-data-midterm-elections The FBI's annual crime report for 2021, released earlier this month, says violent crime decreased by 1% from the previous year. But the report is also incomplete, as only 63% of the country's police departments submitted data — and New York City and Los Angeles were not among them. Is it reasonable to conclude that that stats would rise or fall if NY and LA were included? In 2015, the FBI announced that it would be switching from its previous system to only using NIBRS beginning in 2021, meaning that as of this year, departments had to submit data via NIBRS or not at all. As it turns out, many chose the latter. The 63% of law enforcement agencies that submitted data for 2021 marks the lowest level of participation the FBI has reported in decades, and only 52% of them submitted a full 12 months of data. It takes more effort to log crimes on this new system so NY and LA decided to not participate. Gee if crime was down, it shouldn't be too onerous don't you think? There are a lot of crimes that are not being reported because police cannot do much about it. In Seattle, crime is not much reported. Starbucks is closing one of it's iconic stores in Seattle. They is closing a lot of stores due to crime and safety issues. https://nypost.com/2022/07/12/starbucks-to-close-16-us-stores-over-crime-rampant-drug-use/ Target lost 400 million due to theft and expects to lose 600 million next year. My son worked there. The store does nothing to stop shop lifters, so the next most logical thought is that they will get more of them. That is an easy cause and effect thought process. https://www.businessinsider.in/retail/news/target-said-its-lost-400-million-this-year-due-to-inventory-shrink-and-organized-retail-crime-is-mostly-to-blame/articleshow/95588831.cms It's not just anecdotal, it is happening all over the place. mspart
  19. Appleby's is on a par with Chili's or other such like Shari's, Perkins, and that ilk. None are bad. Golden Corral, been ages since I visited that place. There is only one left in the Seattle Tacoma area, closer to Tacoma. None near me. mspart
  20. Yes, Kareline went in that path. That would be something to consider. Would a Dagestani or Chenyian receive such an offer? mspart
  21. https://www.king5.com/article/news/community/stand-for-truth/king-county-offenders-on-electronic-home-detention-get-a-pass-on-nights-and-weekends/281-56f373c7-415a-4d7b-b353-b393bb0091e1 During the time of COVID, in an effort to create more room in county jails, many judges are assigning more offenders than ever to electronic home monitoring (EHM). In this system, a person convicted of crimes like DUI or awaiting trial for charges such as assault, is fitted with an electronic ankle bracelet. In King County, if the offender goes somewhere not allowed, or at a time not allowed, or cuts the device off altogether, employees at the Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention (DAJD) receive an alert. But the KING 5 Investigators have found DAJD employees aren’t seeing violation alerts on nights and weekends. That office is currently staffed from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Outside of business hours, if there’s a violation, King County DAJD caseworkers hear about it the next business day. That means if someone offends late on a Friday afternoon, DAJD will find out on Monday morning. This happened in at least one serious case, KING 5 has found. In February, a man from Tacoma was charged with domestic violence felony assault for allegedly strangling his pregnant girlfriend in late 2019. While awaiting trial for that charge, a judge released him from the King County Jail and sentenced him to electronic home monitoring. On May 15, according to police reports, the man, whose name we are withholding to protect the victim, allegedly strangled the woman again and committed several other crimes in a Federal Way apartment. Sorry that this is just an anecdote. But does it seem unreasonable to monitor these guys 24/7? Isn't that why they have the ankle bracelet on? https://komonews.com/news/local/2-teen-fugitive-suspects-in-pawn-shop-robbery-now-prime-suspects-in-tacoma-pot-shop-murder The Tacoma Police Department said Thursday that is searching for two teen fugitives who cut off their electronic monitoring devices from a previous armed robbery and are now suspects in the murder of a pot shop employee last weekend. Just a weird thing that is very isolated. Yeah right. mspart
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