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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Section 230 allows social media to not censor content, they cannot be sued. If they censor content, then they are a publisher of content and then are liable to those laws. Social media has shown they want to censor content and stay applicable to section 230. They want it both ways. Sooner or later that will end. They would do well not to censor content other than illegal stuff like child pornography etc. mspart
  2. BB, you just want to put people in buckets. But there are no real buckets. All Black people do not think alike. All Asians do not think alike. All gays do not think alike. All whites do not think alike. All Ds do not think alike. All Rs do not think alike. All posters on a wrestling chat board don't think alike. The real racial antipathy is putting minorities in buckets and saying they are all the same and all need the same help. That is pure racism. Regarding equality, no one that I know is against equal opportunity. Very few people that I know are actually for equal results. If you are for equity, why aren't you for everyone being a congressperson that wants to be? Why are elections held? So we can hopefully discern who is best for that role. You practice inequity whenever you vote sir. You practice inequity whenever you buy this cereal over that cereal. You practice inequity whenever you have the plumber to fix something and not call some other plumber. You practice inequity all the time and probably never stop to think about it. mspart
  3. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/viktor-bout-capturing-the-merchant-of-death/ November 18, 2010 / 3:56 PM / CBS Rarely does the U.S. government want anyone more than it wanted Viktor Bout, known as the "Merchant of Death." U.S. government officials say Bout became the world's most notorious arms dealer by fueling civil wars around the world. Courted by drug lords and dictators, the U.S. saw him as a threat because of his ability to arm terrorists targeting the United States. A former Russian military officer, Bout has been protected by powerful friends, and long considered simply untouchable by law enforcement. But three years ago the DEA devised a bold undercover operation to capture him. This past week they brought him to New York to face terrorism charges. Now, those at the heart of "Operation Relentless" - a sting that spanned three continents - tell the story behind it for the first time. The result: Bout spent the last two and a half years in a Bangkok prison, before finally being extradited to New York. Now, those at the heart of the stunning sting - one that eventually spanned three continents - tell the story behind it for the first time. "Viktor Bout in my eyes is one of the most dangerous men on the face of the Earth," Michael Braun, the former chief of operations for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, told correspondent Armen Keteyian. Braun told "60 Minutes" Bout first "exploded" on the scene in war-torn West Africa in the late 1980s, elevating bloody conflicts from machetes and single shot rifles to military grade assault rifles. "AK-47s not by the thousands but by the tens of thousands," Braun explained. "So he weaponizes civil war in Africa," Keteyian remarked. "He transformed these young adolescent warriors into insidious, mindless, maniacally driven killing machines that operated with assembly line efficiencies," Braun said. Now 43, Bout, from Tajikistan (formerly a Soviet republic), is a mystery man who reportedly served in the Soviet Air Force and intelligence service. The U.S. has indicted him on four terror-related charges, including "conspiracy to kill Americans." Asked what makes Bout a threat to the United States, Braun said, "He is a shadow facilitator. He's arming not only designated terrorist groups, insurgent groups, but he's also arming very powerful drug trafficking cartels around the globe."... Seems a bit more than your garden variety arms dealer. mspart
  4. At least you can trust that they are fake news. They are open and out front with it as opposed to other outlets. Plus they make some good funnies. mspart
  5. By the way, who won the championship that year? I'm guessing Hall was seeded fairly correctly. mspart
  6. You have a good point about the bye situation for the OTTs. mspart
  7. This is manifestly true. The trade was obviously one sided. Basket ball player found with hashish oil and a man known as the "merchant of death" that was caught trying to sell missiles to FARC to kill American's in Colombia. Seems a bit one sided to me. There is no equivalency to this, Biden got it handed to him for all the world to see. mspart
  8. Gotta say I loved watching that show. The full movie was way too much. But the show was pretty good, Great White North!! mspart
  9. Nice poster!! He needs a repeating cross bow and a device that throws throwing stars. mspart
  10. Mike, I'm not sure how you can say that but that is a difference of opinion and tough to argue. You like Biden, you see what he is doing is good. I don't like Biden and I see what he is doing as not good. At least a good portion is not good. If the bullet points I made about his performance does not move you, then I guess you like "40 year high inflation, Afghanistan military evacuation horrible, the amount of clout the US has in the world right now has dropped (he cant even get Saudi to give us oil), war on domestic petroleum production, debacle with baby formula, complete abrogation of responsibility at the border." It seems to me that all of these things are at the feet of Joe. I will not disagree with Trump is toxic. But he has no say in who else runs in the primary. I personally do not think his style will work again, scorched earth take no prisoners. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/11/14/texas-voters-ron-desantis-donald-trump/ I would say this website tells the story about R support for Trump. All can see how his candidates did. I think most Rs will be looking for someone else. I know that independents will. The D's would rather vote for a dead man than Trump so they don't need convincing. mspart
  11. I can't follow that reasonably. mspart
  12. I believe it is a national security issue, which makes it not a D or R issue. If we can't manufacture our own goods, then how are we secure as a nation? We are only as secure as the countries that do produce our goods will sell them to us. If they stop, we are in a world of hurt. A service economy doesn't produce anything of value. Producing something of value is what brings security. If we made our own steel, and our own I-phones and computers etc, we would be in a very strong position. Case in point - Russia produces a lot of natural gas and petroleum. However, if you support Ukraine and/or denounce Russia, your supply is cut off or reduced greatly. This is happening in Europe. Those that depend on Russia for energy now need to look elsewhere. If that is not a national security issue for those in Europe, I don't know what is. Labor costs here in USA are high and that is why things get made in China and shipped here. Shipping costs seem like they should be outrageous but they are not in comparison to their cost of labor vs ours. We need to do more to keep what manufacturing we have here, and to bring back what manufacturing we have lost back here. mspart
  13. Yes not a bad take. But it is 2 years too late and the news was suppressed from a sizable group that got their news via twitter. mspart
  14. It's werewolves. Van Helsing proved it. mspart
  15. With the revelations regarding Hillary and her and DNC handling of the Steele Dossier, and her email catastrophe, I think the vote for Trump was correct. JRoss hit the high points. What Trump said and tweeted was not always good. What he did as policy decisions benefited the country for the most part. It was predictable that Biden would not benefit the country and that has been borne out by the news. If anyone thinks the country is in a better place now overall, than 4 years ago, there is some extreme ostrich head in the sand action going on. 40 year high inflation, Afghanistan military evacuation horrible, the amount of clout the US has in the world right now has dropped (he cant even get Saudi to give us oil), war on domestic petroleum production, debacle with baby formula, complete abrogation of responsibility at the border. More and more deficit spending that was called non-inflationary. An "Inflation Reduction Act" that was not. This is what we have after only 2 years of Biden. Should be tempered with the House in control of the opposing party. Split government is good, as generally nothing but the most important things get done. Even those that wanted Biden and voted for him are rethinking because neither he nor his vice president can make a coherent argument about what they are doing. Hunter Biden's laptop is becoming bigger news now with CBS finally saying "it was a real story" and with Twitter now releasing documents showing the collusion with certain folks in the FBI that wanted Trump out. Why is this happening now? To set the stage to allow Biden not to run again and bring someone in who doesn't have the mental deterioration and baggage that he has. You think Kamala will be the one to move forward? Remember the D primary in 2020, when she got zero traction and was forced out before the first primary. She had zero democratic support. It will be someone else. But the stage is being set. mspart
  16. You know you could be right eh. Only a hoser like you would say something like that eh. mspart
  17. I made an educated guess. mspart
  18. So is Spencer Lee . He will remain so for quite some time. mspart
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