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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Yeah, the foot sweep was there but they were doing GR. Footsweeps are always there. mspart
  2. In the parlance of DC, a freeze is the same as a cut. When Ds want to complain that Rs are cutting the budget, when in reality they want to cut the size of the growth. Freezing is even worse. I don't pay for that site and it is open to me. So I think you can see it just fine if you try. It is humorous that Biden that with such conviction, then squeezes his face in real time(knowing full well his own words) and shovels all that word vomit onto Mike Lee. mspart
  3. That would be a nice change. Actually I took my dad to US Nationals a few times from 2000-2005 or so. It was a fun time. I wrestled in the Veterans a few times. It was a kick. I found out those old slow guys were just as fast as me, maybe faster. Ah how our minds plays tricks with us!! mspart
  4. You want me to hold Lee to account? Then you must hold Biden to account when he said in 1995 that SS and Medicare have to be pared down and claim that is still his postion. https://theintercept.com/2020/01/13/biden-cuts-social-security/ Dude - Fair is fair. Yes, sadly. This is the truth. There is no SS bank account or lock box. The money that SS recipients get comes from the general budget of the USA. So all of the money that was supposed to be separated into a SS "lockbox" has been squandered. They might as well not have a FICA (or whatever it is today) tax. It all goes into the general budget and gets spent. What isn't given to SS recipients gets spent on studying if transgender top or bottom surgery on kids is detrimental to them or not. Or some other silliness. It is a corrupt system. I don't know of a study done that would show what SS would be if they hadn't raided the "lockbox". I'm sure it would be in quite a bit better shape than it is right now. The lock box is full of IOUs. With deficit spending now the rule rather than the exception, that gives me great hope for the longevity of the program. The fact that child bearing has greatly decreased also gives me great hope for the longevity of the program. You must be able to see that doing nothing is really not an option. Something will have to be done at some point to keep SS going. And that will be curtailing payments and/or raising the age when you can start to collect. One or the other will have to come into play. If you disagree, please provide a logical analysis of why you disagree. mspart
  5. If only the Martin Guitar Company knew that the extra hole would make it sound more like Willie, they would have manufactured them with holes there like they do with jeans now. mspart
  6. https://www.abc4.com/news/politics/sen-mike-lee-claims-2010-comments-about-social-security-medicare-medicaid-taken-out-of-context/ by: Derick Fox Posted: Feb 9, 2023 SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (ABC4) – Utah Sen. Mike Lee has responded to criticism he recently received on social media after users resurfaced comments he made in 2010 about wanting to “pull up” and “get rid of” Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. So you are using a 12 year old video and say it applies to Lee today? Here's more from that link. In a statement posted by Lee on Twitter, the senator said the point he was trying to make was that the federal government should not be trusted with “sweeping power over people’s livelihoods,” claiming Congress has long used Social Security as a “slush fund.” Lee also said his point was that Congress had a responsibility to honor the commitments made to Americans who paid into Social Security. . “In repeatedly quoting my 2010 remarks today, President Biden conveniently left out that critical detail – that even when I voiced that position, I insisted that we honor the reliance interests of those who have paid into the system,” said Lee. “He also ignored in my 12 years in the Senate, I have never proposed abolishing Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits. Instead, I have offered solutions to improve those programs and move them toward solvency.” In his reaction immediately following the State of the Union address, Lee said Biden mischaracterized Republicans. During a conversation with Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, Lee said Biden looked Republicans in the eye and mischaracterized what they believe and what they want. Lee said Biden falsely indicated Republicans in Congress are taking an approach to cut the benefits he said. According to Lee, no Republican in either the House or Congress has suggested changing Social Security as a condition for raising the debt ceiling. The Utah senator accused President Biden of using the 2010 quotes as a diversion from the national debt, which he says jeopardizes the government’s ability to fund programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Nice try. Please play again. So here is a nice thought experiment for you. Where is the lock box that contains all of the SS money? mspart
  7. From Biden's speech: Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset every five years. That means if Congress doesn’t vote to keep them, those programs will go away. Other Republicans say if we don’t cut Social Security and Medicare, they’ll let America default on its debt for the first time in our history. Those who think this was a trap, please provide the Rs that have proposed any of this, other than Rick Scott, and he was roundly criticized by the R caucus. You won't because Biden lied. mspart
  8. Oh I can see that now. I'm betting that it is worth a whole lot more now than when it was purchased. No depreciation there. mspart
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/27/false-claim-that-senate-republicans-plan-end-social-security-medicare/ Biden was using a Patty Murray talking point. False then false now. mspart
  10. Show documentation that the current Rs in Congress are saying this. mspart
  11. He wore it out. That's my guess. Is there something more to it? mspart
  12. Oh, so you are saying that this is documented by C-SPAN and CBS which are very much credible news sources. And Biden is not dubbed here, he is actually saying SS needs to be reigned in a bit. HMMMMMMM mspart
  13. He's got a real big hole in his geetar. mspart
  14. Where did you get that? NYPost? FOX? Breitbart? OAN? Oh, I see, it was C-SPAN. Right up there with the loonies C-SPAN is. Can't trust them. mspart
  15. Are you saying that stuff is still in the Vatican? mspart
  16. Wrong media sources. Highly partisan. mspart
  17. I doubt it will happen. But there are many there that want it to happen. The question is does Idaho want this? Eastern Oregon is highly unpopulated. Mostly a real wasteland. mspart
  18. Given my post above, if they decide gravitational theory is just a theory, if number theory is just a theory, this will get derailed very quickly. Even for parts of evolution and relativity, it would get derailed very quickly. I don't think it would be a problem for anatomy or biology as far as what we know concretely and what is taught now in public schools. Evolutionary theory is fine as far as changes within a specie, but there is not much evidence and a lot of speculation of a specie evolving into a completely different specie. The term I'm using might be incorrect and perhaps genus might be better. The issue of the missing link is still very much a thing. So if they wanted to teach that a strep bacteria can mutate such that it is resistant to antibiotics, that is demonstrable. But showing that a single cell animal evolves into a human with different processes and organs has no corollary. It is speculation at this point. This is sure to elicit various arguments on either side here but I think it is indisputable that the evidence for the macro evolution of this kind is lacking evidence. As of now, it is speculation. mspart
  19. Here is the bill: I would say this is not aimed at theory of gravity. Squarely on theory of evolution and perhaps Relativity. But now the arguments here can be based on the language of the bill rather than speculation. mspart
  20. Not critical race thinking, but critical thinking. There is a difference. One is not like the other. The latter is in great need. mspart
  21. Pretty much. If you can figure out how to make a product expire just after the warranty wears out, you win. mspart
  22. Yes, this is a real thing. It won't happen. Many years ago, rural areas of King County WA (where Seattle is) wanted to secede and create Cedar County. It ultimately is up to the Legislature and they were unwilling to listen. I would guess this would have to be ratified by Congress somehow. You think that will happen? mspart
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