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Everything posted by mspart

  1. I agree, but failure to pay your property taxes can result in forfeiture I've heard. Just pay the rent (taxes I mean) and all is well. mspart
  2. I had no idea this was going on. I'm surprised since there is international competition there. Uguev made a successful appearance. mspart
  3. On the other hand, this is kind of funny is a sad way. This is a screen shot of an ad right on this board. How old is that picture anyway. Looks like something from the 50s. If so, that guy can't do plumbing anymore!! mspart
  4. The Silly Walk Skit was a funny one. mspart
  5. I'd say it is apparent that DePape hit him at least one time. Going to stay in the pokey for a long time. mspart
  6. I like the cavemen or ape men. Nice touch!! Very nice of your grandpa. My grandpa on my dad's side died when I was -19 years old. I never knew him of course My other grandpa died when I was +32. I did know him. Was an English Prof at Wash State University - Go Cougs! He actually believed that Shakespeare wrote his stuff by himself. mspart
  7. Yes, my wife's great grandparents got run out of their very very nice house because of a new road planned for going right through it. If they can take it away because you don't pay your property taxes, I can see that as a point, but stretching the point no doubt. mspart
  8. Some of their stuff was just so weird it is hilarious. What kind of mind comes up with that? They had a lot of crazy weird stuff like that was was hilarious. Some didn't work, but this worked. My wife doesn't really care for silly. And they were kings of silly. mspart
  9. I grew up in Huntsville, AL. That's where I remember 18.9 cents a gallon. Normally it was 21.9 cents. I don't remember getting any kind of toy or anything. You are one lucky one Mike. mspart
  10. The video is out. Kind of strange. Door is opened to police by Pelosi, who is holding a drink and co-holding a hammer with DePape. The police ask Depape to drop the hammer and he said he wasn't going to do that. Then there was a struggle and DePape got the hammer out of Pelosi's grip and immediately attacked. There was no time for the police to stop that action because they were trying to de-escalate the situation and it got out of hand in about 1 second. Very strange. But not much defense for Depape after watching that. You see the attack but they go out of visual range when the hammer hits Pelosi. You can see the police body cam footage below. Should the police have attacked Depape to wrest the hammer away? That is not de-escalation but escalation. It might have worked, but as they were standing there, both holding the hammer and Depape saying things were cool, I'm guessing the police were not to concerned something bad was going to happen. This is just strange. Pelosi is not indicating he is in distress or thinks he may be, however, his mouth is open the whole time like he wants to say something, but I didn't hear him say anything. It was all Depape talking. I honestly don't know what to make of this. Pelosi should have gotten a body lock on him and took him to the cleaners. Hammer blow would be less hurtfull that way I think. I'm guessing Pelosi wasn't recalling his old wrestling moves at that moment. Very weird. Strange beginning and very violent end. Now we all know what happened. mspart
  11. How is real estate entirely socialist? I ask this as an honest question. Buying and selling of real estate smacks of overt capitalism to me. Buying property as an investment smacks of overt capitalism to me also. So I'd like to know what you are thinking when you say this. mspart
  12. So did Schiff ever provide his truth about collusion? I am not aware of it. If so, where is it? Mueller would have had no choice but to say Trump was guilty as charged but you know what? Schiff decided not to share his secret with Mueller and Mueller therefore had to find that there was no collusion. Schiff is just waiting to pounce at the right moment I guess. A real chess player he is. mspart
  13. Don't they have sleazeball detectors at the FBI? Stuff like that is shades of Minority Report. mspart
  14. We got Pong when I was a teenager. It feels good to be part of a club here!! mspart
  15. Very interesting jross. Thanks for the info. mspart
  16. I was just supplying an anecdote from my past. That said, you ARE old!! mspart
  17. Back in the day when a gas war produced 18.9 cents a gallon, watching the pennies made a difference. Normal gas was 21.9 and 24.9. When gas went to 34.9 my dad blew a gasket. Yes, I'm that old and remember all of that. Now with prices as high as they are, buying gas at $4.359 instead of $4.369 doesn't save enough money to make that trip if it is further. mspart
  18. I don't want to watch an 11 minute video. What is the gist of the video or article? Article is behind a paywall. mspart
  19. OK. I did not know that obviously. Don't have time to watch a Brands movie. I'll take your word for it. mspart
  20. At your age, what about my age!! Ask my kids, I've been around since the stone ages before computers and cell phones and video game consoles. mspart
  21. Sorry for missing the signals. I'm obtuse like that sometimes. mspart
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