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Everything posted by mspart

  1. AJ Ferrari at Penn St? From what I have heard, he wouldn't last long there. There are a number of folks there that could rough him up pretty good if he got out of line, which he will if he stays true to himself. Listing from my head: Cael, Varner, Nickal, Snyder, Taylor at the very least. mspart
  2. Oklahoma State University Fix Daton Sr Master's in Leisure Studies Daton really stretching his mind here. I haven't heard of this particular field of study. Ferrari is not on the list for OSU. Northern Illinois University West Blake So Chemistry Now here is a real man!! This is no joke of a major. mspart
  3. Cal Poly Ethan Rotondo Grad Packaging Apparently it is at Cal Poly. They are training hoards of Amazon workers there. mspart
  4. I went to the WTTs in Seattle in 1999. It was really fun, crowds were small. Might not be that way at PSU but generally, NCAA action seems to bring in bigger crowds than international wrestling events. mspart
  5. Yes this is interesting. NLWC has folks they can send. Isn't RBY done with college now? Why isn't he entered? I'm not sure I buy into the philosophy of keeping the college guys in folkstyle. It didn't seem to hurt Snyder any. Perhaps Fix is an example of making the World Team but not winning NCAAs. I'm not sure that is the case but the case could be made. Who from PSU has been successful on the international front, really successful? Taylor and who else? Maybe Retherford but it took both a long time for both to get there. The rest of the NLWC associated folks are transplants. So it can be seen both ways I think. mspart
  6. Even now you are saying you want to just concentrate on one thing at a time. I gave you an example of something that should make you just as mad (Schiff), and you dismiss that. That tells me that this is not about what is right or wrong to you, this is about you hate Trump and anyone allied with him and want him in jail more than anything else in the world. Do I think Jordan should stop? No I don't. I believe this is a political/justice hit job on Trump. You have the NYC DA that routinely lets felons off the hook, takes felonies and makes them misdemeanors so that the punishment is not so hard on the perp. But, because he hates Trump, and campaigned on getting him, he is taking a situation that at most would be a misdemeanor and turning it into a felony case. Does that not mean anything to you? Jordan is going on about how the Justice Department has been politicized and this, although not a justice dept thing, is the same thing. In this case, it seems you are willing to allow the country to go down the banana republic road because payback will be coming at some future time. This is not a road we should be going down. But it seems inevitable at this point. That said, I think it is just best to recognize we see this differently and agree to disagree on this matter. mspart
  7. Good thing he got some rest there. mspart
  8. Nice new avatar Plasi. Funny that the left is doing Trump's job for him, trying to prevent DeSantis from running for President. What the FL legislature is doing is wrong. DeSantis should be able to justify his travel without hiding it. mspart
  9. No, what you are saying is Jordan is doing something wrong. What Schiff has done is demonstrably wrong yet you don't care about that. You only care about Jordan. If doing something wrong was really the issue, then you call out Schiff as well. The fact that you want to dismiss his conduct shows you are partisan on this, pure and simple. It is called being intellectually honest. Calling out Jordan for his behavior because you don't like his politics while ignoring someone else's similar pecadillos because you do like their politics is the definition of intellectual dishonesty/hypocrisy. We've had these discussions on these boards before. Hillary was bad. No she wasn't. She was not prosecuted so she did nothing wrong. And on and on. This is standard among political discussion today. Am I wrong? mspart
  10. I agree, it is an expansion. I think this applies to lesson plans, but what if a kid asks a question on this topic. What is the teacher supposed to do then? Refer the kid to their parents? Refer the kid to the principal? Refer the kid to the LGB focal at that school? Or answer in some other way that does not promote it. Or refer the kid to DeSantis? I don't know. It would seem to me that the teacher could address the question but not promote it. Something like, 'yes, some people feel that way.' Rather than, "yes, some people feel that way. If you do, you should seriously look into gender affirming care including, chest binders or scrotum/penis hiders, puberty blockers (if still in that arena) or gender reassignment surgery. There is a clinic down the street on the corner of x and y street where you can get all of this taken care of for you. And if you don't feel that way but know someone that does, let them know all this is available to them. Any other questions that I can help you out with?" I would think the first response would be acceptable where the second would not be. It is not like if a kid asks the question, the teacher must put tape on his/her mouth. You make it sound like 1st amendment rights are being taken away. Would you want your kid's teachers to swear like a sailor in class and call the kids foul names? Of course not. There are codes teachers must follow and saying these thiings is not following the code. Is that a curtailment of their 1st amendment rights. Maybe. But it is common courtesy. I believe the above would fall under the same umbrella. It is common courtesy not to promote this gender dysphoria stuff in the classroom or outside the classroom in a professional capacity. Here in WA, they just passed a law that will allow the state to hold kids without parents knowledge if they have expressed a desire regarding transgenderism. This includes kids from out of state. Is this right? What gives the state this right? Apparently the legislature. I feel just as strongly about this. This is legalized kidnapping. The parents may never know where their kid ended up. And this is progress. I have a feeling this will be challenged either by referendum/initiative on the ballot or via the courts. Just unconscionable. mspart
  11. mspart


    Yeah, the kid should be kicked off the team for awhile, not allowed to wrestle for a determined time and counseled. Hopefully he learns from this and can improve on his impulsiveness. mspart
  12. Nick Saban is not a fan of NIL money. Has said in the past he won't give it to an unproven freshman when his Juniors and Seniors aren't getting any. Cael has a proven track record, like Dan Gable had his. It is indisputable that PSU is dominant in the NCAA and has now become the FS club of choice. With Snyder, Dake, and Gilman going there, they obviously saw something that intrigued them. Maybe Dake just wanted to smash Taylor a few more times. But it seems to have not hurt either one. I would not say that NLWC is dominant yet, but it is on the way to getting there. Gilman, Retherford, Dake, Taylor, Snyder. That's half of the team is NLWC. But Gilman, Dake, and Snyder were already world team members so NLWC did not develop them. But they have them now and gives them more representation than any other WC. mspart
  13. Vak, The article you posted says it is an expansion approved by the Board of Education. The Board of Education approved a ban on classroom instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity in all grades, expanding the law that bans those lesson up to grade 3 at the request of DeSantis as he gears up for an expected presidential run. I did not find anything in the article that said the law always applied to all grades. The only thing close I found was this statement. “We’re not removing anything here,” Diaz Jr. said on Wednesday. “All we are doing is we are setting the expectations so our teachers are clear: that they are to teach to the standards.” I'm not sure the article says what you think it says. My opinion on this is as follows: 1. I don't mind the expansion of the law going for 4-12. I personally don't think it is appropriate to discuss. But I know it is being discussed so for 10-12, I would have less reservation. I agree 100% with the K-3 law and think it should have been K-6 at the very least. 2. An additional item in the article concerned legislation on drag shows and children. The drag shows get lewd and that is not appropriate for children. That is adult entertainment in my opinion. 3. An additional piece of legislation on bathroom policy I agree with. I don't want a woman in my bathroom and don't want to go into a woman's room. But the new law talks also about making unisex bathrooms and that is acceptable unless it is for groups. Not into that. 4. No matter what is done, the activists on this issue will never be satisfied. Even if they appear to be satisfied for the moment, they will find a way not to be. It is their MO. mspart
  14. It might be tough to get into the WTT at 61Kg if he doesn't go to the US Nationals. NCAA 2nd place doesn't cut it. mspart
  15. How different is this than Adam Schiff, having been proven wrong about the Russia connection, still abiding by his statements that Trump was and is a Russian stooge. And he'll supply the goods on all of that at some future time. His dishonesty is astounding. That's why is no longer on the House Intelligence Committee. Again, I don't see the beef. Ds do it and Rs do it. mspart
  16. I haven't heard this in a very very long time. Made me laugh!! mspart
  17. Give that one a year and he'll be vicious!! mspart
  18. Has he signed up for US Nats yet? If not, pure speculation. He should go 57kg and give us the thrill of a possible Lee/RBY matchup everyone was itching for this last season. Kidding aside, he should make it to the US Nationals. Unless he is just not a freestyler. Terry Brands was not a freestyler and won Olympic Bronze. Here's to hoping he enters. mspart
  19. I can't even imagine doing something like wrestle with a torn ACL. mspart
  20. Couture was runner up twice in NCAAs. He was on the world team 4 times placing 9th the last year he was on the team. Cormier runner up at NCAA. Was US National champion 6 times and took bronze at world Championships. So both were very accomplished in wrestling before moving on to MMA. mspart
  21. I maintain that I have never seen this before. I have never seen someone intentionally slam a head into the mat during a wrestling match. I see no reason why this move isn't illegal. In front headlock, you can flatten the person out, but that does not involve head slamming. It's a wonder we don't see this more often in wrestling if it is a legal move to do. mspart
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