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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Who on this team would lose? I don't see McIlravy, Williams, Banach, Campbell, Banach, Brands, Lee losing to anyone from PSU. It would be interesting but I think there is too much grit and technique with these folks. Iowa 125 Spencer Lee (3x champ) 133 Tom Brands (3x champ, Olympic gold) 141 Jeff McGinness (2x champ) 149 Incoln McIlravy (3x champ, Olympic bronze) 157 Jim Zalesky (3x champ) 165 Joe Williams (3x champ, Olympian) 174 Joe Scarpello (3x champ) 184 Ed Banach (3x champ, Olympic gold) 197 Chris Campbell (2x champ, Olympic bronze) HWT Lou Banach (2x champ, Olympic gold) Just my humble $0.02. mspart
  2. Someone said earlier but Cox is at 97. It will be interesting to see what seed he is given. I thought after US Nationals in 2000, Gutches would be the man at his weight. But he did not win the OTTs, losing 1-2. Gutches would have made a statement at those games I think. Yeah, I'm a PNW homer. I say this because I don't see Snyder being de-railed. But anything can happen as we have seen. mspart
  3. Puts him in there for Olympic glory. mspart
  4. https://nypost.com/2023/04/02/bragg-wont-charge-wounded-garage-worker-who-shot-suspected-thief/ https://abc7ny.com/nyc-parking-garage-shooting-attendant-murder-charges-dropped/13073071/ Not being charged it looks like. mspart
  5. Where on the web can we see all the participants? When is the deadline to sign up for this? mspart
  6. So Cox is going 97kg. I hope he is doing well and not injured. Where is S Lee? Is he injured enough that he can't do this at this time? That's putting all the eggs in the Oly basket next year. mspart
  7. Based on what Vak has just said, he plead guilty to, Obstruction of an Official Proceeding. I agree that is pretty cut and dried. Official Proceedings were being held, they were obstructed, and he was on the premises. If that is all he plead guilty to, I will bow out of this argument. Tough to fight that I think. Video does not show he was not there, and the time of the video is the same time that the proceedings were obstructed. If that is the only count he plead guilty to, I don't think there is much else to talk about. If there were other charges he plead guilty to that would have been affected by the video, that is a different story. I just looked it up on https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/defendants/chansley-jacob-anthony It was a plea agreement. He plead to this and all other charges were dropped. The charge of obstruction carries a penalty of a max of 20 years, $250k fine. Interesting that his sentence was only 41 months in light of this and was charged only $2k in fines. Here are the sentencing guidelines provided due to the plea bargain found in the Plea Bargain pdf on that website: So pleading guilty he was facing 25 years. But wait, there's more. In the plea bargain it states this: And regarding the fine, the was also in the plea agreement. Facing those jail sentences and fines and having them reduced to what they were in the plea agreement, I might have been tempted to take that deal too. I haven't looked at the other charges but he probably would have had this one pinned on him anyway and his outcome much worse. I had no idea this information was available on the web until now. I still feel that not providing the video was prosecutorial malfeasance. He made a decision based on incomplete information. But again, based on the circumstances, I think he did pretty good. Vak - Thanks for hanging in there and providing reasonable responses to my questions. I very much appreciate it. mspart
  8. I agree with this. I appreciate your well reasoned writeup based on our not quite adversarial tones in this conversation. That is very much appreciated. You do mention that there are intricacies. Without a doubt. One of those intricacies is knowing what the prosecution knows. I grant that this is made more difficult by the fact that he plead guilty. But if he hadn't and you tried the case without knowledge of this video, and he was found guilty, and now the video comes out, how would you react on behalf of your client? mspart
  9. This is interesting. How would you have represented Chansley? Would you have told him to plead guilty or would you have fought it and why? mspart
  10. None of you have addressed my point. He plead guilty. This is without a doubt true. But he did so based on what the prosecution showed him and his lawyer, not on what they didn't show. If he had seen the video, would he have plead differently at that time? Maybe, maybe not. Having all of that evidence definitely plays on how the defense will plead. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/defendants/chansley-jacob-anthony Please note that I added the red box to direct your attention to his original plea. Now you have to ask yourself, why he would plead guilty after having first plead not guilty. It was because of the case the prosecution had showed them. But they did not show them this video which could have undermined the prosecution's overall effort to cast him as an extremely dangerous fellow. So yes, he did plead guilty. But did he know what the prosecution knew? No he didn't. And that is what this particular argument is about. Pleading guilty makes going back much more difficult. But federal prosecutorial malfeasance should be pursued in my opinion.
  11. Yes, I expect Trump to be in NYC on Tue. I was just saying that DeSantis won't aid NY in this extradition. I don't think he could stop it but he doesn't have to aid it either. mspart
  12. But he was not privy to everything the prosecutors had. That is wrong. Yes he did plead guilty, but would he have if he had that video footage? And if not, would he have been convicted as the person the prosecution were going to paint him as? These are all variables we don't know because he was not given due process. mspart
  13. I'm not sure of the calculus here. Are Ds really scared of Trump and want him put away or have a conviction on his record? Or are they trying to enlarge his stature so that he does win the primaries and they can then easily defeat him? It seems to me that Ds should be confident they can beat Trump. They did it with a near Alzheimer Joe Biden so they should be able to do it again easily. I would think they would be trying to help him, like they did his candidates rather than trying to jail him. Or is this the long game? Put him on trial, lots of sympathy, he gets the nomination and gets defeated by an even more Alzheimer Joe Biden? mspart
  14. DeSantis is saying he will not extradite Trump from FL if it comes down to that. mspart
  15. Did the Shaman have a trial? No. He plead guilty is my understanding and was sentenced. But the prosecution did not provide the video of him walking around the building with police officers showing him around. He may have still pleaded guilty, but the prosecution did not provide what they were legally obliged to provide. Or he may have plead not guilty and had a trial. If it had been a trial and he had been found guilty, then this would be a no brainer. The problem for him is the issue is that his attorney got him to plead guilty without knowledge of the video. mspart
  16. Yes, I've seen this. Crazy! That is what the show Bones was all about. How she could identify gender by examining the skull. The bone structure is different. That Phd is an idiot and an example of selling yourself to woke politics. 10 years ago, that would not have been his answer. He would have detailed the differences in male and female bone structure and would have said absolutely he could tell which was male and which was female. The hypocrisy never ends. He deserved to be laughed at and deserves to be mocked for being a Phd in Anthropology and doesn't even know this fact that many without studying anthropology already know. It is basic biology. What an idiot. mspart
  17. It is nice that our college folks have a way of continuing to compete. It is hyper competitive in the US. mspart
  18. Is this wrong because it was published by the NY Post? https://fitnessvolt.com/male-powerlifter-avi-silverberg-new-womens-bench-press-record/ mspart
  19. By sorted out, the State of FL will get its way. The State of FL did not enter into an agreement with Disney. Disney got an agreement with the board that oversees control of the district. Because the FL legislature did not dissolve the board, the new board has this agreement that was made with board members on their way out. I think this was a nice try by Disney, but I don't think it will work. FL can dissolve the board and any agreements that were made within it. The agreements obviously run counter to what the Legislature intended. So I expect they will amend whatever they need to to get the control they wanted. mspart
  20. From what I have read on sites across the spectrum, this is true. mspart
  21. From what I just read, this isn't over. Disney appears to have out foxed the legislature and the governor. But that may change. So I wouldn't crow about it too much just yet. As I understand what I read on CNN, Disney knew this was happening and made an agreement with the board before it was dissolved that effectively nullifies the intent of the FL legislature. The legislature did not dissolve the board, but left it and released the board members. New board members are there but are stuck with the previous agreement with Disney. I'm guessing this will get sorted out. mspart
  22. I think the Ds supplying dollars to Trump's handpicked candidates helped them win their primaries. But the Ds knew they were weak candidates anyway and would get easily smoked in the general. Great ploy. So in the end, Trump pretty much failed. There should be no fear. DeSantis is a tough R, but no Xerox copy of Trump. His mouth does not get him in trouble like Trump. His Twitter finger (or whatever social media they are on) is nothing compared to Trump's. His most maligned actions: 1. Getting a law passed that does not teach sex education to K-3. To me it should have been K-6. But I tell you the liberals acted like the sky was falling. This is just common sense. What K-3 kid is interested in sex? Zero. 2. Getting rid of a proposed AP course in Black Studies for HS kids. It was rejected for Black Queer studies and other crap. It was not rejected for the historical items you associate with Black Studies. Yet this was just beyond the pale by those in the media. But remember, he was re elected Governor by a huge majority. Even Ds like him there because he is effective and gets things done. mspart
  23. So is Pendleton leaving OSU for OSU? mspart
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