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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Glad he is doing well. Hoping for a full recovery. Thanks for the updates
  2. Thanks for the update. That is really good news.
  3. Seems unreal.He is a tough kid a real fighter. If you or anyone gets any updates please put them on here.
  4. Sammy had a second surgery this morning and is still in serious condition. Someone close to the family has said he expected to have a full recovery. An 11 year old boy witnessed the shooting. No one has been arrested. Flo has an article on there page.
  5. We were very fortunate to have him. The detail like you said was incredible.
  6. I Appreciate that thanks. Yes the reports were amazing. I had 2 brothers who were mentioned in them. But my nephew who went to Walsh who was a three champ and 4 time finalist go a lot of print.
  7. Oh yes . So many great bands . So many great songs. We have a FM station that plays them all day long. We are really lucky
  8. Paul158


    I missed that one. How bad was she?
  9. Paul158


    I finally got it. I was like what are you talking about than I saw the light.
  10. Paul158


    The Rutgers dad was a handful.
  11. Paul158


    Hopefully all those parents are to far away to be a nuisance. If you are the coach you do like the coach in the movie Hoosiers did. Gene Hackman .He said boys its been real nice. Then he left.
  12. I think its ok. Have some fun with it. We get to take a break from all the other crazy stuff we talk about.
  13. He lead a very exciting life to say the least. But he really pulled together at the end. Great Country singer
  14. Paul158


    Good positive information. Kolat would do just fine at UNC. He is doing a great job at Navy. The military Schools are a different challenge for a coach and the wrestler . You are working with young men that have a lot of obligations other than school and wrestling.
  15. Yes he was .He did amazing work. He mentioned my younger brother had the best cradle he had ever seen. pretty cool guy.
  16. I don't know you well but work reminds a lot Brian. Ohio was very fortunate to have him I think he did his analytical assessment of Ohio wrestling for 40 years or more.
  17. She wrestles with a lot of confidence for a 19 year old. great composure.
  18. You are doing a great job. I applaud your efforts.Are you familiar with a gentleman from Ohio named Brian Brakeman?
  19. I watched her last year just go right through competition with ease.I think she was 18. She wrestled like a savvy old pro. She has a great story and has a great support group.
  20. I know you are explaining but it just seems you should only count the first 4 years. Everyone on the least would 10 to 23 points if they would have had a 5th year of competition. Letting the current wrestlers use 5 years to collect points skews the results.
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