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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Cities in California have passed laws regarding allowing looters to steal 800 to 900 dollars of merchandise with very little consequences.
  2. Yes you always have to adapt. There are a lot of other industries out there. You have to come up with a good way to attract to your state.
  3. Maybe the 30% are the deplorables Hillary spoke about when she was running for election.
  4. Yes you can get a 30% decoder ring . They have them on Amazon Prime free shipping. !9.95 next day shipping
  5. You probably should put this on the College thread. Just a thought.
  6. It says they expect to lose 4.5 billion this year. Wow!!! Model E division.
  7. So the Muskie had 18 / 1000 hp (750 KW )motors. It also had 10/ 625 hp DC (466 KW) motors. It looks like it used close 100,000.00 dollars of electricity a day. The substation must have been gigantic.
  8. It was probably a coal fired plant. This was 1969 through the 80's.
  9. Thanks for the video . I had not seen it in action before. I think it used enough electricity to power 27,000 homes. They said it ran 24 hours a day,364 days a year.
  10. Have you ever heard of the Big Muskie .It was a drag line shovel in Ohio.It was powered by 13,800 volts supplied by a trailing cable. Built in 1969. It moved 483 milion cubic yards of rock and earth. It could move 325 tons of earth and rock in a single bite. The bucket held 220 yards. Just a very interesting piece of our history. It was used to mine coal in Ohio.
  11. That would we be something. One of those massive dump trucks that can hold up to 500 tons. You would need 10 batteries the size of a pickup truck. Just to run maybe 2 or 3 hours.
  12. They mine or remove 500,000 lbs to 1.3 million lbs of dirt to get enough minerals to make ONE EV car battery . 250 tons to 650 tons of earth removed. The transition to other sources needs to be done with a great deal of thought. The wild west approach will cause more harm then any good. Good well thought out technology takes time.
  13. I don't think we are talking about coal are we? The 9 most terrifying words in the English language. I'm from the government and I'm here to help. Have you seen the amount of destruction it takes to the environment to mine lithium and the other metals necessary? You might want to take a look at the mines on YouTube. Have you ever looked up the amount concrete, steel.plastics,oil and petroleum products it takes to make one wind turbine? They only last 20 to 25 years. How environmentally intelligent (or safe ) is that. The solar panels only last 25 years. Where does all the panels and turbines go when they are replaced?
  14. Teacher says to Lj that is simple because unfortunately the dictionary and the people who manage it have gone woke.
  15. I think you did. It was an indirect implication .
  16. We are really depending on you to figure it out. Our very existence depends on it. This is Your Mission Should You to Accept it. This tape will self destruct in 5 seconds.
  17. I wonder why Ban is for all those things. Its just insane.
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