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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. It's standard for all FBI search warrants. “The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force,” an FBI spokesperson said. “No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.”
  2. 1) They do not notify everyone when and where they strike. They do that for a very limited amount of strikes. That is not representative of their typical practice, especially in Gaza right now. That's how they ended killing those food workers. 2) Israel *can* prosecute a war against Hamas. They *can't* kill human shields with bombs because it's easier. That's a war crime. If Israel wants to break the law like Hamas, they should be prosecuted like Hamas. Yes or no, does international law apply to Israel? Please answer directly. Start with Yes/No, then go into your explanation.
  3. This is not true. Answer the question directly: Does Israel have to follow International Law if Hamas breaks it?
  4. anybody is welcome to jump in and answer this, not just @mspart Does Hamas' breaking of international law mean that Israel no longer has to follow the law in response? Simple question. What's your answer?
  5. @mspart Here's what it comes down to for you: Israel doesn't have to follow international law because Hamas broke the law. If that's not what you believe, correct me. Example: Hamas embeds itself in civilian locations. Therefore, Israel now has the right to kill those civilians.
  6. No, that's not what I said lol. Hamas still has to follow international law. They just don't. Because they're a terror group. They're evil. Criminals still have to abide by the law. The difference is that I want both Hamas and Israel prosecuted for crimes. You only want Hamas prosecuted for crimes. You don't want the law to apply to everyone.
  7. Show me where I defend Hamas? I call them evil and say they are legitimate targets on nearly every page of this thread and that doesn't stop you from calling me a Hamas lover. Plus, you do defend it because you place 100% of the blame on Hamas for using human shields. They do use shields, but Israel is still making the decision to drop the bombs knowing civilians are present and will be killed. That is a choice. Hamas is culpable, but that does not absolve Israel from its responsibility. Israel's occupation makes Hamas' resistance legal under international law. It *does not* make the killing of civilians legal and Hamas is culpable for those terrible crimes even though Israel bears some responsibility for the illegal occupation that leads to it. Likewise, Hamas is culpable for using human shields. That is a crime. It does not mean that Israel is free to kill those civilians. And 15,000 dead children isn't anti-Semitic propaganda. It's a fact. There are 15,000 dead children and Israel dropped the bombs that killed them. And you are against a ceasefire that would stop that killing, so you support its continuation.
  8. Nothing says "celebrating freedom" like only allowing state approved decorations. I can't imagine actually caring how a bridge is decorated, but I do wish conservatives would stop pontificating about "freedom." They aren't interested in freedom. They're interested in their personal ideology being reflected back to them in everything they see. State mandating red, white, and blue colors on bridges - promoting freedom Allowing local municipalities to decide how to decorate the bridges they maintain - communism
  9. In 10 years, you'll pretend you were always skeptical of Israel's war. Student protest movements have an almost 100% hit rate. Just like Civil Rights, Vietnam, Apartheid, Iraq War, etc...history will be on our side again. In the meantime, have fun defending the slaughter of 15,000 children. I'm the only one on here who is unequivocal that killing children is wrong, no matter who does it.
  10. If Israel didn’t kick Palestinians out of their homes in the first place none of this would have happened. I get you guys didn’t pay attention before 10/7, but this started long before that. This goes back to the failure to right the wrongs of the Nakba. 700k Palestinians ethnically cleansed from where they lived for hundreds of years. Israel created a permanent refugee population of several million people. Whether you support Israel or not, that is a bad idea for peace. That’s like “How to Start a Terror Group 101.” Their strategy is to try to keep the lid on the pot to keep it boiling over - Permanent occupation of the West Bank and blockade of Gaza. It’s time to turn off the stove like a sane person.
  11. hamas is evil hamas is evil hamas is evil hamas us evil hamas is evil hamas is evil hamas is evil hamas is evil hamas is evil hamas us evil hamas is evil hamas is evil hamas is evil hamas is evil hamas is evil hamas us evil hamas is evil hamas is evil i’ve said it a million times before. i think we all have that one covered. if anybody disagrees that hamas is evil, please speak now.
  12. they don’t follow international law. it still applies to them. the law still applies to criminals. that’s kind of the whole point. this should not be that hard. the ICC issued arrest warrants for Hamas too. you’re the one who only wants the law to apply to one side.
  13. Yes, and many of them are. That's a perfectly normal human response and I don't blame them for the same reason I don't blame a grieving father for joining Hamas. This is why we have government institutions and international law. To protect people from their basest desires. We need to provide a peaceful outlet to solve these problems. Otherwise, you just create a self-perpetuating cycle of violence.
  14. It's really not that complicated man. You kill people's children and they'll be blinded by rage. It's a normal human reaction, no matter how much you guys pretend not to understand. Imagine you come home and find out your kids were incinerated and then the guys fighting the guys who dropped the bomb asked you to join up. If you're surprised by this, I don't know what to tell you. It's the most predictable thing in the world and I told you all it would happen months ago.
  15. "Trump-appointed Judge takes Trump verdict out of jury's hands in his favor" is a political nightmare. This is why conflicts of interests should be avoided.
  16. From a conflict of interest perspective, why is Trump's case allowed to be heard by a judge he appointed? How is that supposed to instill trust in the process? Not commenting on the specifics of the case. That just seems like a really blatant issue.
  17. No because the UN didn't do the thing you said it did. Did you even read the post?
  18. No, because that's not what happened. The UN's casualty figures have not changed. The "revised" number only includes the bodies that have been officially identified. It does not include the 10,000 recovered bodies that have not been officially identified yet. Based on missing persons reports, the UN also estimates another 10,000 bodies buried under the rubble. So in conclusion: 35k bodies recovered 25k identified 10k unidentified estimated 10k yet to be recovered This should hopefully open your eyes to the Israeli propaganda machine. That headline was everywhere and it was a complete misrepresentation of what actually happened.
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