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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Starting at 1 p.m. Assuming the starters start, which in some cases we know not to be the case, and in others we can all be "surprised". I have tried to remove the starters that did not wrestle either match yesterday. Let me know if I missed any.
  2. My point was broad. The administrator signs, but I am sure they do it only after consulting the coach. So, ultimately it is the coach who makes the decision. And the way that form is written it seems there is a lot of leeway for coaches to define terms. Now talk about your bureaucracy, NCAA Bylaw 14.02.12 says: 14.02.12 Grade-Point Average. For purposes of calculating a grade-point average for NCAA eligibility (e.g., progress toward degree), a student must achieve a minimum grade-point average based on a maximum of 4.000 grading scale, unless otherwise specified in the legislation. (Adopted: 4/29/04)
  3. Thanks for the correction. Now think about how crazy that is. It treats the athlete like property. They only get an opportunity elsewhere without penalty if their former coach says they have no opportunity there. But, if there is an opportunity, however that is defined by the coach, then all other opportunities are to be denied. You can see where a control freak coach might be able to use that one-sided relationship to punish someone who challenges their control. I am not saying that is what happened here, I am saying this is the kind of relationship between the NCAA and athletes that causes all manner of hypocrisy.
  4. Or at least in worse shape than they could be if they were a little more dedicated.
  5. Lot of folks going to want their money back after this one. Couple of minutes of wrestling here, couple of minutes of wrestling there. Is no one willing to put in a full shift anymore?
  6. And yet there will be buyers at $54.20 for purely cynical reasons. If you own a private asset and there is a transaction you can use that price for valuation purposes (subject to certain GAAP rules). So private equity investors will often overpay for a tranche to defend the valuation of prior tranches (i.e. avoid having to take a write down).
  7. Good news. You can still buy Twitter at the original deal price of $54.20 per share. Who is in? https://www.semafor.com/article/12/16/2022/elon-musks-team-is-seeking-new-investors-for-twitter
  8. The more arcane the reference, the more I love it. Some might even say it is my especiality.
  9. This situation is exactly the kind of thing that makes everyone hate the NCAA and why it is one of the least sympathetic, most bureaucratic organizations in recent memory. It is like the residents of the Gables of Del Mar / Del Boca Vista. They exist to enforce these insane rules. And there is a lot of Stockholm Syndrome going on in this thread. Some have pointed out the absurdity of the rule while others have defended the school, the administrators, coaches and the NCAA because of the existence of The Rule. Never mind that the rule is awful and awfully written making it nearly impossible to interpret. The fact that multiple compliance departments can come up with multiple interpretations of a single rule tells you everything you need to know about how well NCAA rules are written. I know what the words Non, Participation, and Opportunity mean, but I have no idea what a Non Participation Opportunity is. The opportunity not to do something? Holy Bureaucratic Double Speak, Batman. If we go to first principles, Burwick is wrestling for Nebraska right now. He transferred to Nebraska after Wisconsin recruited someone to replace him. His replacement wrestles for Wisconsin, he wrestles for Nebraska. Simple. If there is a rule that prevents that from happening, the fault is in the rule, not the wrestler. The worst part is that the NCAA knows this better than anyone. They fought successfully for decades to maintain their exemption from anti-trust so that they could enforce rules that clearly violate anti-trust standards. Having recently lost several high profile cases, they have begun to back away from some of their more draconian stances, but for some reason, this is one that stands.
  10. I can only answer your first two questions and offer a hope for your last question. You are correct that Rokfin is the only way to watch and it will cost $15 for the event on top of the $15 monthly subscription. Now for my holiday wish. I hope, with every fiber of my being, that Flo will CC their watch party so long as they use the same technology that they use for FRL. The CC is so hilariously bad it would make Norm Crosby's ghost happy (look it up).
  11. OR the injury he sustained at CKLV is still an issue. But, no probably not, the duck thing can be the only explanation ever, world without end.
  12. Cornell's match notes from Friday do not list Jonathan Loew at 184. That has an impact on the ISU dual where it was supposed to be the tightest match (by ranks) of the event with Loew at #6 and Marcus Coleman at #4.
  13. There are many with a one word vocabulary. They are like the proverbial problem solver who has only a hammer making every problem look like a nail.
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